If the recent elections results in the Lok Sabha, the Haryana & Maharashtra and also the by polls are any indication then yes, The Politics is a big teacher. No one can take himself, or his party for granted, particularly in Indian Politics. People can talk of waves, anti - incumbacy, governance, development, cast factor, illitracy etc etc. and come out with loads of statistics and when the results are out, the politicians fall flat on their faces, and have to chew their words and claim that all their utterances were either misquoted by media or were only meant for the the duration of elections alone.
These elections have once again taught the politicians a couple of things:
- Never Ever Assume that you or your party will be on the winners podium with majority numbers, if not absolute majority numbers.
- Never Ever Speak Foul about any party, who is likely to become your strange bed partner after the election.
- Never Ever be so rigid that you eventually eat your own words.
- Never Ever Think that the other party members only should come forward with options and demands.
- Always it is advisable to keep your Ego aside
Similarly the Shivsena went hammer and tongue against BJP and Mr. Amit Shah and Mr. Narendra Modi in particular during the elections. The language used by them was unparliamentary and like Mumbai Taporis to say the least. Besides, their ego was so high that they expected BJP to take initiatives and approach them with Offers on Golden Plate. They also thought that Delhi ( BJP bigwigs in Delhi ) would and should come to Matoshri ( Udhav's residence ) like it used to happen in good old days.
Eventually it has so happened that Shiv Sena is looking like fools and beggars of sorts. Now they are making efforts to reach Delhi, with a begging bowl..
They have been taught a lesson, no doubt. But even BJP has a lesson or two to learn, if they want to survive in the rough seas of Indian Politics.
You never know when the tables could turn upside down. Look at the Congress. Arrogance of power can make you bite dust any day. It would do a world of good if BJP has its' feet grounded and if it does not allow the power of the chair to go to their heads.