Born Free

Born Free
Live Life Your Way


Friday, February 27, 2009

From Pages of My Dairy - My Eye Operation

The Retina operation : So the D day is tomorrow. I will be operated on my right eye for the so called retina detachment. I had so far heard of feelings which could be detached , but physical entities of the body ?? Never. It is a strange feeling today. I had a shiver of sorts through my spine, when I was told about it the first time, about 2 weeks back. That was a momentary shock. I am a hard nut and can absorb all the big and small shocks and take them in stride. The biggest hindrances in the way were when I sat on the Laptop and when I was behind the wheels, in a car, or, while reading. All are my passions, and distorted eye sight was a big nonsense. Let us see if the world would be same as usual after the operation or not ? I do not know how and why it ( the Problem ) had to catch me ? No doubt I am a diabetic, but then I have seen many diabetic with much worse control over blood sugar, lipid profile, BP etc. I have yet to find a satisfactory answer for my questions. That is part of life, I must say. So, get on with the life nerdy nandu, is the only message I can give to my self and others suffering from similar problems. Nerdy Nandu

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


came to know about your 14 day ordeal with the the eye surgeon !

Get well soon and we can drink to your health !

water !~