Born Free

Born Free
Live Life Your Way


Monday, March 7, 2011

Euthanasia - Great Judgment

Today the SC has lived up to its reputation once again by passing a great judgment in the case of Ms Aruna Shahanbag. Poor Lady is bedridden for past 37 years and still one can see the spark in her eyes in the TV pictures. I can not understand why some people speak about Euthanasia, till the medical fraternity, the psychologists and the patient himself do not feel so.

Active Euthanasia is prohibited for good. No body, not even the doctors should be allowed to be " God Players ", as one famous novel suggests.  As far as the passive euthanasia is concerned, I agreed that it should also be decided on case to case basis, and shall be carried out under strict supervision of HC / SC. But even that will make them as " God Players ".

So no is the answer for " Euthanasia ".

The KEM Staff, the doctors and nurses there are doing an excellent job in keeping her in great shape and spirits.

My only comment is - How come the ward boy got only a punishment of 7 years ?? He must be a Scott free person by now and smiling. There the law of the land needed to be so powerful as to send a strong message in the society of criminals. It would be a great thing if some one files a case against that person again to ensure that he finally gets what he deserves.

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