Born Free

Born Free
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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Jan Lok Pal Bill - A common Man's Perceptive

I have heard Nilkeni's interview on IBN. How ironical ? His colleague - NKN has totally divergent view about the govt. and its functioning.

Nilkeni's ideas are good but they will take 5 more decades to implement, given the political will available today and for will be generated in decades to come. And that is not people and the youth of today do not want. They are used to quick solutions now, like the quick money, quick food, quick entertainment etc. So in this case what they want is not rhetoric any more, but a quick positive step. They all know it is going to be an uphill task but they want a beginning.
It is 4 / 5 decades now since the Lokpal was first tabled in parliament. Nothing had been done as yet. The current bill is a carbon copy of the previous one. Just that. They do not want the bill to have any teeth. And mind you it’s not the congress alone; none of the parties want a stronger bill against corruption. The answer to the " WHY " part is very simple. Who will save them then ? The generation of today is highly aware and conscious about their hard paid tax money. So they are frustrated and have lost faith in the politicians of the day. They had reached the Tipping Point and were looking for someone to kindle their anger and frustrations. They saw the hope in Anna's Movement and so the spontaneous support from all corners of the country. Not for nothing many luminaries and well educated people have joined the movement. And why not ? Who is not affected by this monster called " Corruption " ?
And see the arrogance of the government and their mental corruption because of their ill placed misconception of their absolute power. They pick the team and put them in Tihar Jail under an alibi of threat to the civic society and then without batting an eyelid, shamelessly withdraw the case and leave them free. Is it not a classic case of " Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely " ?? One day they involve them in the joint draft committee and on another day they do not hesitate to call the team as highly corrupt bunch from top to bottom.
They ( the politicians ) do not hesitate to tell the people of the country that the police did what it felt was right on august 16 th and later our Yuvraj Rahul meets PM and they decide to release him. They want to shamelessly project Yuvraj as a highly humanitarian person and take credit for the release. If Police was the authority who took the call of arrest then how come the politicians could take the call of release ? How could they perceive the threat perception differently ?? Is it not hypocrisy ??
The politicians also argue that parliament is supreme, and only they have the powers and authority to make a law and that civic society does not have a right. Agreed, but little do they all realize that:
  • They are mere representatives of the people, by the people and for the people. They are in fact only care takers of our interests. They are elected only for 5 years, before seeking peoples’ votes again, where as if at all there is no change, it is in the people. So who is supreme they or the people?
  • They are now a days getting elected by getting about 20 odd % of the votes, out of 50 odd % votes polled. So how can they claim to be representing majority of the society?
  • When they feel, and they feel quite often, they seek advice from National Advisory Committee, whose members are not elected members, then why not take opinion of the civic society.
  • Every year, they seek opinion of various sections of society, industrialist before the Financial Budget. Why do so if the voice the people is not to be heard?
The simple point is “Why not engage more experts from the civic society”. Let them all discuss it thread bare with the Anna Team, including the standing committee, the politicians from all the parties and discuss pros & cons of all the issues and then table it in the parliament. We will then reach a consensus and passing of the bill will not be an issue then. The problem is that the ruling party is on a high ego trip. So unless that is gotten over, the probabilities of getting an amicable solution and resolving the deadlock appear to be very dim.

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