Born Free

Born Free
Live Life Your Way


Thursday, September 29, 2011

Spectacular Experience

My trip to Indore this time was spectacular and memorable for many a reasons. I had nothing to do except sleeping or watching the landscape through window of my train, passing by. I preferred the later. The sun started setting and the colors of the sky started changing dramatically by every minute. I missed my DSLR for once, but then I thought, what was the point in repenting over spilt milk? Why not, make best use of what I had at my disposal. My eyes were capturing all that was available and storing in my memory bank. I still have those vivid images in my mind. As this happened I suddenly realized that I have a mobile with a camera. Agreed, that it would not capture the quality images which one gets in auto shot or a DSLR. So what? I quickly got it out from my pocket and started clicking the shots. Now at least there was a chance of sharing this experience with you all.

Earlier whenever I saw any photograph with so different hues and shades of different colors, I used to think that these were all edited in photo shop or some other software, because I had always seen shades of orange – red in early mornings or evenings, grayish or bluish during the days and dark cloudy skies during monsoon. I always used to wonder why was it that I was not so fortunate like they were.

I had got the answers. I had the time, the patience to watch the skies continuously for such long periods at a stretch. Where had I bothered to spend so much time even when I was on some beach or on some hills? Normally you are always in a hurry to move to other spots while on holidays, so as to cover maximum from the check list of to cover locations. But I never realized that such trips are not good for photography. You need to study, choose a right spot and a right time, may be go there again after the initial survey on the previous day etc etc. It all means Photography is all about patience. The only exception, sometimes only, could be that of wild life photography, because you may not get that moment again.

Here I had the all the time and the nature was helpful, because it was bit cloudy and with some amount of dust in the skies. It was a perfect setting for a great experience.

I have captured some shots after I realized that I have some semblance of a camera. Unfortunately I have left it behind in Indore so I am not able to share with you all. But heavens will not fall if I upload these after a couple of days. Yes or No? So wait and watch till then.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Ganus' Act

We Ganus are a very rare species, I thought. We leave behind our foot marks or at least traces of it and ensure that the people from there keep on remembering us for quite some time. Are we image hungry ? Far from it. We do something which leaves lasting impressions on them. This time I was on a short visit to Indore, just for two days. That was enough for me to do a Ganus' Act. In fact a fleeting moment too is enough. I started from my Uncles’ house at 9.30 AM, well ahead of time of my train’s actual departure time in the afternoon. So what? I did a Ganus' Act and left my mobile charger in his house. Was it enough? Sorry !! Ganus are never satisfied with such small footmarks.

I had a meeting with my friend in his office, spent lovely 4 hours and left for station in another friend’s car. Did I do any Ganus' Act in my friend’s house? Nay !! I was smart enough to collect all my belongings. I had my mobile, specks with cover in my one hand. The other hand was still free for any abnormal behavior ( the society feels so about our behaviors ). I stepped down the stairs. Halfway through, my friend’s wife came out from the kitchen to hand over the dinner pack. What a sweet gesture it was? How could I have rejected that offer and hurt her feelings? I picked up the pack in the other free hand. Now both my hands were engaged. The dangers of Ganus' Acts had increased multi fold. But, I was as cool as cucumber. " Tension Kyon Palne Ka? "

My other friend who had come from Dewas to meet me was with me. See!! You all feel we Ganus are image hungry. Sorry dear all !! People, who have even passed only a couple of years with us, have very high regards and personal contacts with us all, Ganus. We are like flowers with highly intoxicating nectar. Enough is enough, bhai. Let me move ahead with the story. My friend realized that both my hands were engaged, so he opened the door for me. Was it the reason, or, that, that he knew about Ganus' Acts and was afraid about repetition of such an act in the last moments? I did not know and little did I care about it.

Perhaps the destiny had other plans. I had been an administrator and a great manager, a great project person all my life. This is my perception only. People differ with it but do not speak about it, at least in presence, so as not to hurt my inflated egos. Anyways, so I thought of freeing my hands and also organize my suitcase. See how well planned I was? I did not carry it to my friend’s office. I left the suitcase in my friend’s car only, so I had to only change the cars, and I was done with. So far so good.

I kept the items, I carried in hands, in the front seat, and picked up my suitcase from the other car. I kept it too on the front seat. I opened the lock, ( I smiled at my own systemic approach ), then the zip and kept the dinner pack in the suitcase. I realized then that I may not need the specs too, as now a days, I do not read too much in moving trains or buses. The specks and the mobile had moved under the suitcase. So I picked it up from underneath the bag and kept it inside. I locked the suitcase, wiped my hands, clapped at my "  great job done feeling " and sat with my friend in the back seat. The seeds of Ganus' Act were sown. The poor little mobile was still languishing under the suitcase.

Now was the real problem. We hardly had any time at our disposal. We ran against time during those 20 - 25 odd minutes. I looked at the wrist watch constantly as we reached the station. We got down at the station. I picked up the suitcase, thanked the driver profusely and walked away, rather sprinted, towards the platform with my friend. I just got in to the train and waved at my friend, and wished him good luck. We still had about 10 minutes in our pocket. In fact it was me who needed it most then. Had recollected about my poor little mobile, I would have asked my friend to do the rest. But no, Ganus are not always lucky, if they were, they would never ever have ended up in a Ganus' Act.

We spent the time in chatting and chalking about future strategies about working together. The whistle blew. I shook hands with him, and the train left the station. Needless to say that A Ganus' Act happened like a stage managed act.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Salute to all my Teachers on Teachers' Day

My parents were great teachers. Some of the values that I cherish are picked up from either or both of them. Some teachers from my school had a great influence on me. Guptaji who taught us Physics, Sharmaji, Radhakrishnaji & Budhramji who taught us Hindi from 5th to 9th class, Dutt Sahab who taught us Maths from 9th to 11th have had a lasting impact and have shaped up my life to a great extent. Well, how can I forget that I was drawn to writing in Hindi by shri Radhakrishanji. It was in 9th when once he wrote in my homework copy “ Homework Kyon Nahi Kiya ” and I wrote “ Keval Aalasya ” and forgot about it. Later, when he read it, he called me up after his class and asked me to write something on “ Aalasya ” for our house magazine. This was his punishment of sorts. Gradually I started writing and remained stuck to it. A big Thank you to all of you sir. I do not know why nobody, from the teaching community, had a lasting influence in shaping my life during the college days. However, Dr. Deshpande & Dr. Ghule & Dr. Sharma had a great influence. Dr. Deshpande was a born Leader, perhaps. He was the Head of Our Hostels. Students just followed him blindly. Dr. Ghule & Dr. Sharma taught us Physics. My god!! I learnt and loved physics because of them only. Thank You all sir !!

I had one Mr. Ramchandran in BEST. He was a Supervisor. We struck a great chord between us instantly. He gave me a lot of tips on Transformers & ( On Load Tap Changers ) OLTCs. He had a great sense of humor. That reminds me. Once someone said about him “ He is humorous ”. Immediately, he quipped “ Please do not take it otherwise, he only meant that I have good sense of humor ”. Thank You Mr. Ramchandran.

Mr. Bhargava was my boss in ICB, now Technomont India. He taught me to honor timeline in projects. Dr. Krishnamurty & Mr. Subbarao were my superiors in Ranbaxy. Dr. SK made me realize the importance of homework in whatever we do. In a way he taught me that “ The Devil Lies In The Details ”. Mr. Subbarao trained me about delegation and building a team. He also taught me about preparing for presentations. He was also a workaholic, and probably that rubbed on me then. A big Thank You to you both sir !!

Dr. Vijay Kumar Datla, Chairman and Managing Director of M / S Biological E Ltd, was my boss. He educated me that it was not always money. One could still get the desired results without spending lavishly. He also taught me the importance of keeping an open mind, and also showed me the importance of “ Never Say Die ” approach in whatever we do. Sir, I owe you a lot. Thank you Sir !!

Bhai Saheb – shri Shambhudas Ji, my closest friends Balram Sharma - Billo, SMT – Tamaskar, Bhatuncle – AK Bhat. K Aasif & Hemant Anawkar too had telling impact on my life. If bhai saheb & Billo imbibed in reading habits, SMT & AKB taught me a thing or two about Patience and if AK skilled me to be dynamic and a visionary, then HA taught me to be a good human being. I have learnt to live with a never dying spirit from Kedar, Swanand & Dr. Sangita Kohli too. My association with them during our treks taught me not to just live but be ALIVE. Thank You all dear ones !!

What a mix of Learning Experience, it has been so far? I have been learning something every day. As Dr. Ian Sykes, our consultant in BE once said “ It should be a Journey in Discovery of Life ”, and truly it has been so far.

A big Thank You, Once Again to You All, for being great teachers in my journey so far !!