Born Free

Born Free
Live Life Your Way


Thursday, September 29, 2011

Spectacular Experience

My trip to Indore this time was spectacular and memorable for many a reasons. I had nothing to do except sleeping or watching the landscape through window of my train, passing by. I preferred the later. The sun started setting and the colors of the sky started changing dramatically by every minute. I missed my DSLR for once, but then I thought, what was the point in repenting over spilt milk? Why not, make best use of what I had at my disposal. My eyes were capturing all that was available and storing in my memory bank. I still have those vivid images in my mind. As this happened I suddenly realized that I have a mobile with a camera. Agreed, that it would not capture the quality images which one gets in auto shot or a DSLR. So what? I quickly got it out from my pocket and started clicking the shots. Now at least there was a chance of sharing this experience with you all.

Earlier whenever I saw any photograph with so different hues and shades of different colors, I used to think that these were all edited in photo shop or some other software, because I had always seen shades of orange – red in early mornings or evenings, grayish or bluish during the days and dark cloudy skies during monsoon. I always used to wonder why was it that I was not so fortunate like they were.

I had got the answers. I had the time, the patience to watch the skies continuously for such long periods at a stretch. Where had I bothered to spend so much time even when I was on some beach or on some hills? Normally you are always in a hurry to move to other spots while on holidays, so as to cover maximum from the check list of to cover locations. But I never realized that such trips are not good for photography. You need to study, choose a right spot and a right time, may be go there again after the initial survey on the previous day etc etc. It all means Photography is all about patience. The only exception, sometimes only, could be that of wild life photography, because you may not get that moment again.

Here I had the all the time and the nature was helpful, because it was bit cloudy and with some amount of dust in the skies. It was a perfect setting for a great experience.

I have captured some shots after I realized that I have some semblance of a camera. Unfortunately I have left it behind in Indore so I am not able to share with you all. But heavens will not fall if I upload these after a couple of days. Yes or No? So wait and watch till then.

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