Whenever you change the city of your residence, a lot many things need to be sorted out before normalcy is restored. With core banking at least one problem has reduced. You can get the change of address done by just filling a form and give it to the bank. Same is the case with shares. Earlier, you needed to inform every company about the change of address. Now you change that in your DMAT account and your job is done.
Mr. Nandan Nilkeni is working on UID, this identity will be good enough for many an issues. Why the Government does not engage some similar IT expert as a Honcho to solve this problem and simplify the procedure. I feel a single window solution could be thought of.
Once you change the city and move to a new place, what you should need is to get a police clearance from the earlier place. Similarly you should obtain a NOC for issuance of new Gas Connection, Pan Card, Ration Card, Driving License, Passport e.t.c., from the Single Window Solution Provider in your Locality. The NOC should be in two Forms. Form I for the Gas Connection and Form II for all other cards / licenses. It should be only ONE Form with Pages, one each for each of the subject. The system at both the places should be computerized and linked to all cities ( To begin with ).
You submit the NOC – Form I, at the Single Window Solution Provider in the new location and get your Gas Connection immediately from the Nearest Gas Agency, be it same or different. The solution Provider at the new location can check veracity of your NOC and issue you a new gas connection immediately. This would help you to start your kitchen first.
In the mean time you submit the Police Clearance Certificate to the nearest police station in your locality in the new place. This ensures that the police is also in the knowledge of the new arrival in his area of control. Your certificate, of being a good and civilized person without any adverse police records, gets continuity. He should then issue a Clearance Certificate, which is valid for submission of the form for getting your other cards and licenses.
The window should also give you a form II, against the form II submitted to him, on payment basis of course. The Form II could be in downloadable form from the net. Finally you can submit the Form II along with the copy of certificate from the police station and requisite number of photos pasted on each of the forms and the consolidated fee, take the receipt and take a sigh of relief. Your job should get done in the time mentioned on each of the form, meant for each card or license etc separately.
If you don’t get your things done in time, you should be entitled to approach the Lokayukt in your area.
So Simple! Service @ your doors from the Government which is OF the People, By the People and truly FOR the People!!
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