I am an engineer by profession and an artist at heart. Now I have started my own consultancy firm after retirement. It is only to keep me engaged. Money is not the intention, though it is welcome as it fills my pockets occassionally
Born Free
Live Life Your Way
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
" Yes Minister " Days
Yesterday Shri Shri Shri Rahul Gandhi faced the media for the first time in his decade long political career, and failed miserably. Loyal congressmen and congress supported media channels will certainly think otherwise, and they are entitled to do so.
In his 90 minute ordeal he spoke only about four - five issues, Systemic changes, empowerment of women, opening up system which in his opinion is closed, decentralization of power centres, bringing in youth in the system. Well, here Arunav missed an opportunity of tearing him apart further, and shredding him to meshed meat like Khima. He should have further asked him who and which party was responsible for all this mess, if at all it was a mess.
His claim that BJP is power centric and the party relies only on a single or couple of leaders only where as Congress gives its power to down the lane party members. I wonder then why the general perception is that all the decisions are thought to be taken by Sonia & or Rahul, Why Every Congress Governed state CM rushes to Delhi / High Command ? And for what ?
He differentiated between the two massacres - 1984 & 2002 by saying that the 2k2 riots were pushed and abetted by Modi where as the 1984 riots were not and that the congress tried to stop the riots. He banked on his memory. I must say he has an elephant's memory, how else he could have remembered what happened in '84 ?
His defence on corruption was laudable and laughable too. His erasons for supporting AAP and striking alliances with Lalu etc also fell in the same category.
He is certainly a visionary is what people like Manish Tiwari, Sibbal, Digvijay Singh etc may say. They have a tough job cut out for themselves in days to come.
However I enjoyed the 90 minute entertainment show thoroughly. It took me back to The " Yes Minister " days T V Shows.
Saturday, January 25, 2014
AAP's Daily SOP Drama
Media coverage of AAP on TV has just become like a Daily SOP Opera. The BJP Opposition is mounting its pressure on them for Bharti's Blood. Congress is desperate. How can they remain a second string party in power? They are not at all used to following somebody else's diktats, except from their own masters from the special family. MMS's rule / no - rule in two stints under UPA umbrella is a proof in itself. We have two more parties in the big drama. Police and the AAP party ministers / members. So it is a full four course dinner, every day. Now a days TV news channels provide better entertainment and enjoy better TRP Ratings then the other entertainment channels.
So enjoy the drama till the next general elections - 24 x 7 and on any news channel. which episode of any SOP drama gives such endless entertainment ?
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Rendezvous of long lost friends
last week was a bonanza. After I met Ankolekar at talegaon, we decided to bring the other two, Tendulkar & Haridas in the loop of live contacts. Ankolekar took up the responsibility of coordinating with them and fixing up a date. I had already briefed him that Haridas would be in Mumbai in the first week of Feb and probably till 10th.
Things moved fast and favourably for us. Last Sunday was the Date. I reached Mumbai on Saturday. Initially I was to stay at Andheri but Ankolekar known for his persuasive capabilities, coaxed me to change my destination to Charkop. I was destined to be there and so finally I reached there. Eventually That proved to be a memorable night. Though I reached his home at about 10 in the night. His daughter, Poonam, Janabai - his maid servant and his grand daughter were all waiting.
I met Poonam for the first time, but it did not appear so. We met as if we have known each other for ages. She is simply a great company. We had a great dinner and talked at length on very many issues. She is a well read, smart and intelligent lady.
Next day Janabai prepared a sumptuous breakfast. We moved out for our next point on the agenda, the most important one, so to say. We reached Tendulkar's house at about 12 in the noon. He and his daughter - Anushri are no less of a host. Anushri had made Rangoli on both sides of the entrance to greet us, as told by Tendulkar. It was really touching.
The door opened on pressing of the door bell. And here we were, together, in front of each other. Our faces had undergone metamorphosis over the years. But for that we were both the same old guys. 4 decades went back wards in a flash. We hugged each other, had tears of joy. Gradually it all sank in and we settled. Haridas too joined soon. Again we went through the past. We all had changed physically, but our hearts and minds were the same. We were soon moving through the good old BEST days with camouflaged faces. Yes, because we had all changed physically over 4 decades.
Unfortunately Tendlya's wife had gone out for some family function. But Anushri quickly chipped in to fill up the vacuum. She greeted us with tea, followed by pakodas and then a great simple lunch. She is doing her MCA, but it appeared that cooking runs in her veins. She was simply superb. Every thing that was served had warmth, love and above all TASTE.
We all left at about 4 PM with a resolution - That of tracking Khadilkar, another member from our group. Tendulkar the CID, with his gang are on a new assignment now. I am sure that he will not fail this time too.
Thanks Tendlya once again. But I must say a big thank you to both the ladies - Poonam & Anushri.
Well done both of you dear. Keep the smile on your faces. God bless you both.
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Defining Moment
Today is certainly a historical day in Indian Politics. The common man was fooled for almost 6 decades since independence, as he was not given the education to make him aware of his rights. All major political parties have been fighting elections on casts / religion / minority vote bank appeasement etc. The common man was always wilfully kept poor and uneducated to keep them away from awareness. Leaders and governments in power adopted appeasement policies, brought cast and religion in the game and threw money at the common man to win elections. The common man was forgotten thereafter till next elections.
The scenario changed in last decade or so when no single party could get simple majority leave alone the absolute majority. Regional Parties / Leaders gained in strength and they started dictating terms. This gave birth to Mass Scale Corruption. Not that earlier there was no corruption, but now it became a routine and a way of life to fight elections and remain in power. Money Power coupled with Muscle Power became the order of the day for the politicians.
Anna Hazare started waged a war against corruption and wanted the Jan Lok Pal Bill. Kejriwal & his Team members were then with them. This bunch of people realised soon that the only way to fight this menace was through fighting elections and then trying to change the system. Yes, it is always difficult to bring about a change from outside the system. In fact the major political parties forced them to fight elections and seek power before thinking about bringing about systemic changes.
This team took a wise decision, that of choosing Delhi as the starting point. On December 8 the Aam Admi won 28 seats. All the three parties did not get simple majority. Again AAP came out with a Master Stroke & Clever move. After BJP decided to remain in opposition, AAP wrote to both the parties and sought their favour for its 18 point agenda. Congress did not want the BJP to come in Power, so it decided to support AAP.
That was it. AAP came out with another clever move and sought the opinion of aam admi, before deciding to form the government. This was all a well thought out strategy.
In fact initially I thought this approach of seeking public opinion for every single issue / bill on a state / national level would be idiotic and suicidal, but no, they had a plan. They first came out with their 18 point agenda and then when the time came they sought the opinion.
Now both BJP & the Congress will be in a fix. Today congress had to support the confidence vote to save its image and BJP had to oppose not on issues, but on the ground that how could AAP shake hands with Congress, a party who is considered to be the mother of all Ills?
Kejriwal spoke from his heart and talked common sense. Is it not that we all want a Roti - Kapda - Makan - Siksha - Swasthya & Suraksha. and who would say No to Sasti Bijli & Paani ? And perhaps if AAP is able to rein corruption and gradually win this battle against corruption, the day will not be far when we could win a war against rising prices and inflation too.
So I am thumbs up for AAP . A year back I too had joined a candle march in Pune, and wished Anna & his team a great success. For sure the seeds were sown by Anna but the formation of AAP was and probably will prove to be a landmark decision.
A defining moment in the history of Politics.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
वेलकम २०१४
वेलकम २०१४
कल नये साल के सफर पर निकलना
है ! ज्यादा बोझ ढोना नही है, यह तय
है ! क्या साथ लें, क्या ना
लें, इस पर हमेशा की तरह उलझन थी, बैचेनी थी ! कई चीजें ऐसी होती हैं जो आप साथ नहीं लेना चाहते पर वे आप का पीछा नहीं छोड़ती ! और कई ऐसी होती हैं जिन्हे आप साथ लेजाना चाहते हैं पर उनको भी बोझ होता है ! ऐसे में मैंने निर्णय लिया की बोझ हल्का करना है तो उन्हें पीछे छोड़ जाना ही बेहतर है !
क्यों ले चलें ईर्षा, नाराज़ी, मनमुटाव, झगडे, गलतफहमियां, दुर्भावनाएं, विश्वासघात इत्यादि का बोझ , ( क्योंकि इन सब का बोझ काफी होता ) ? क्यों न सिर्फ उनमे छुपी सीख को ले चलें ? मुझे लगा सीख सिर्फ एक ही सटीक रामबाण की तरह है, और वह है - भूलजाना ! और फिर नयी शुरुवात करना ! सच ही में क्षमा में , भूलजाने में छुपी शक्ति का अंदाज लगाना मुश्किल है, पर उस से कोई इंकार नहीं कर सकता ! क्षमा करने लायक मेरी क्षमता नहीं है, क्योंकि इन चोटों के जख्म मिटाये मिटते नहीं हैं ! मैं कोई राम का अवतार नहीं हूँ ! पर भूल कर आगे बढ़ना थोडा आसान है ! इस लिए मैंने उस सीख को साथ ले चलना उचित समझा ! इस आते वर्ष में, साल भर भी यदि मैं उस बोझ को मन और खंदों से परे रख पाया तो भी वह अपनेआप में एक उपलब्धी होगी ! अगले वर्ष फिर सोचेंगे यारों ! सीढ़ी - दर - सीढ़ी ही मंज़िल तय करनी चाहिए न भाई ?
और सीख लेनी ही है तो उनसे मिली शिक्षा, अनुभव और समझ को क्यों न लिया जाए ? इनको साथ लेना ही है क्योंकि ये उम्र भर काम आएँगी !
मैंने भी कई लोगों को इसी तरह कि चोट पहुंचायी होगी ! मैं सिर्फ प्रार्थना ही कर सकता हूँ कि भगवान् उन्हें भी ऐसी सद्बुद्धि दे !
दोस्ती, बड़ों - बूढ़ों के आशीर्वाद, प्रेम , श्रम - कष्ट करने की ताकत, स्वास्थ्य, जिद्द, वचनबद्धता इत्यादि तो साथ चलने को जैसे तत्पर ही रहते हैं. पर फिर वाही बोझ का ख़याल आता है ! इसलिए दृढ़ निस्चय, दोस्ती और आशीर्वाद साथ लेने का विचार किया है, बाकि तो दृढ़ निस्चय के सहारे पा लूंगा, यह विश्वास है !
दृढ़ निस्चय के सहारे मुझे अपनी उमीदों पर खरा उतरने का विश्वास है ! उसे भी सीढ़ी - दर - सीढ़ी साथ रखूँगा और देखूंगा कि मेरे मूल्यों में, आस्थाओं में कोई गिरावट तो नहीं आयी ! यदि नहीं तो इरादे और मजबूत होंगे और यदि गिरावट आयी तो इरादो को मजबूत करूँगा !
इन चीजो के सहारे ( सीख , आशीर्वाद , दोस्ती और दृढ़ निस्चय ) एक नयी उम्मीद ले कर अगला पड़ाव तय करूँगा ! नए सपनों को साकार करने का भी इरादा है! आप मुझे प्रोत्साहन देंगे ना ?
चलो फिर थोड़ी सी मौज मस्ती करने में हर्ज नहीं है ! इस उम्र में यारों ( दोनों लिंगों के ) के साथ , दू - चार चाकी पर बाहर तो नहीं जा सकता क्योंकि शोर शराबे से अब दूर रहने कि उम्र जो हो चली है ! इस लिए मैं - और मेरा जाम, पिछले वर्ष का गम भुलाने के लिए क्या कम है , साथ में जब बेगम अख्तर की आवाज़ का जादू कानों में गूंजा रही हो ?
है न धरम पा जी जैसा - मैं - मेरा जाम - और वो ( अख्तरी बाई कि आवाज़ ) ? और क्या चाहिए भाई ! गुड बाई २०१३ !! लव यु २०१४ !!
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