The Modi Government is following the same old and dirty practices of seeking resignations of governors and chiefs of some commissions and organisations appointed by earlier ruling party. The Sarkariya commission had recommended some very practical ground rules for appointment and replacement of persons in such offices and the Supreme Court had also given a ruling on the same issue, some time in 2004. I do not understand why appointments are made in the first place which are controversial, like the appointment of Mrs. Sheela Dixit ?
The moot questions are - " Why the opposition parties did not raise the issues then and why did they refrained from approaching the Supreme Court then?"
Is it not a parochial step on the part of Modi Government? Are there no more pressing issues on their plate ?
Though I feel Sheela should go and so the others who are under CBI scanner, but then it is not the right time. The Modi Government should have first settled down, addressed some really pressing issues like Indians stranded in Iraq, Price Rise, Electricity or lack of it in Delhi etc.
That would have given the right signals to the people who have voted them in. And Yes, now at least the Modi Government should come out with a Policy and get it passed in both the houses, to ensure that such incidences are not repeated in future. That would be a better beginning.
Mr. Modi would do well to rise above all such petty issues and govern in a way which is different and Trend Setting, rather than following old practices which boarder on Revengeful Acts.
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