Born Free

Born Free
Live Life Your Way


Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Uber Ban - Knee Jerk Reaction

This one rape has again shaken the countrymen who watch the various TV channels on 24 x 7 basis.Unfortunately the so called experts, activists and politicians and a couple of citizens from the affected city o0r place of incidence, who make rounds on all the TV Channels, in rotation, and on issues under the sun. We hardly see the right people who know the subject and are not affiliated to any party on these channels. Any rate, that is not the issue.

Let us consider the recent rape case:

Whatever happened  has happened. We should not politicise each and every issue, if want our systems to improve. Banning is no solution in my opinion. I remember a case when i was in service in Ranbaxy Ltd, Dewas.

Omelettes was an option to employees who did not like the regular food. One fine day, our receptionist wanted omelette , but it was denied. that resulted in a ruckus. the matter went to our Manger HR. He passed an ordinance of sorts - No more serving of Omelettes. Period. So rather than trying to get to the root cause of the problem, he looked for a simpler, short cut solution, which was dramatic, sensational  but draconian in my opinion.

I am afraid the government of the day also looked for a short term, dramatic, sensational solution by banning Uber Services. It is different issue altogether whether it is a blanket ban because of this incident, or because the company did not have necessary approvals to operate in Delhi. Whatever it may be, it certainly looks a Knee - Jerk Action.

What measures should be taken immediately ?

In my opinion, the following steps are all doable things. How much safety aspect will be addressed is for the experts to discuss and decide.

  • The government can open a on line link to get specific suggestions from the public, collate these, scrutinize the same and list down action plan based on considerations of Complexities , Time for Implementation , Cost and set up a cell to implement these in a time bound programme. The status should be made public to see for themselves the progress and get a confidence in the machinery at works.
  • Certainly Uber should be held accountable for the security lapses and punished.
  • Certainly all the taxi service agencies, who do not operate with proper licences, approvals, check drivers' history from the police etc, should be taken to task with huge penalties, and asked to regularize their records before operating.
  • Certainly all taxi operators / Auto Rickshaw drivers should be made to take a Yearly Renewal Permit from the RTO - Police .These agencies should check their records, check his behaviour pattern from the locality  and then only issue  the renewal for the next year 
  • Now with Biometric based Adhar Card System, Licences of all drivers should be linked with the Adhar Cards and the data should be made available to the respective States / Cities / Towns. Drivers not having the Adhar should be given time to do so, failing which their licences should be cancelled.
  • I propose one more simple system. The Police in Each Town or City should give a Toll Free  Number  and also a Free SMS Number and make it Public with advertisements / display hoarding all over the town / city. The Auto / Taxi Person should call the number and give his personal details like name, auto / taxi number, starting point - End Point etc. and should again call the same number and confirm safe service. The customer should send  SMS giving all the above details and forward a copy to their family members too.

I feel such actions will certainly help us in minimizing recurrences. But these will only be applicable for auto / taxi services. How do we handle other cases of Rapes ? 

I feel each type and category of case should be dealt with in similar way to find a workable solution

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