Born Free

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Thursday, September 3, 2015

OROP - How Long it will drag?

It is really very sad that the RSS had to intervene in the OROP issue, and that political gains from Bihar Polls are being considered for settling this 3 month long agitation, even after 40 years of procrastination on this issue.

It appears that the PM is very soft on the Babus, Concerned Ministers or the Mediators and allowing them to get to a solution. They all are giving different and misleading versions to the public and media. I cannot understand why the government is not engaging in direct talks with the representatives of the armed forces and sort out these issues. They are not our enemies, after all, or are they? Let us all remember the armed forces in times of PEACE also.

The Armed Forces certainly deserve much more and better treatment, rather than this kind of embarrassment. 

Honorable PM must rise above all this and take a more assertive stand on this. Please show the nation that you are the supreme commander in the government.

If the PM can doll out huge packages to Bihar, one after the other, for gains in the coming polls, why he is dragging feet on this issue when the people in question are saviours of the nation? That is something which defies the Logic and Reason.

We all want a respectable solution to this issue and are prepared to cough out additional taxes levied as cess for this noble cause, that if government says that yes, they have the money to declare packages for political gains, and that they do not have money for the OROP, or similar issues.

I have a simple message to the Government – “Enough is Enough. Please pull up your socks and get on to this job. Don’t go home for next few days till the matter is taken to its logical conclusion. Do the armed forces see the sun or light or rains when there is war against the nation? 

If the answer is negative, then how come the concerned persons in the Government should continue to live in their comfort zone.

Reference : PMOPG/E/2015/0084980

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