Born Free

Born Free
Live Life Your Way


Thursday, June 9, 2016

Shri Jawdekar errs

Today I saw on TV gruesome killing of Neel Gais in Bihar. The order to do so was approved by Environment Minister Shri Jawdekar in response to a request from the state government. It might be as per provisions of Law, so what. Could the state and the center have come out with some other measure ? Certainly yes, in my opinion.

These animals could have been captured and transfer ed to other national sanctuaries where they could have lead a peaceful life till they fell pray to the big cat family or sent to some zoos. I can not see why this could not have been done. The logic and rationale of killing is beyond my comprehension. 

Animal Protectionists, if consulted, might have come out with some more practical solutions.

It appears to be a decision taken in haste, certainly.

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