I am an engineer by profession and an artist at heart. Now I have started my own consultancy firm after retirement. It is only to keep me engaged. Money is not the intention, though it is welcome as it fills my pockets occassionally
Born Free
Live Life Your Way
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
From my Diary - Perception
From My Diary - Motivation
Starting the work in the last week of August, We planned to complete it by 27 th of September. So, We selected all such materials which do not have too much linkage gaps between any two activities.
We changed the material of external walls, and still we all consciously agreed to maintain the dead line.
We also changed the make of the furniture from Wipro to Methodex, based on the feed back from materials. This was to ensure that we still maintain the dead lines.
Unfortunately, Some time during the last week, on September 23 rd or so, We all realized that we could still make it. Surprisingly, You relaxed. It reminds me of the recent Olympics. The great Jamaican Athlete, Bolt could have clocked 100 mtrs in a time of around 9.65 seconds or so. But he dropped his pace in the last lap when he realized that he is a world beater and it cost him a few Millie Seconds, which certainly would have created a record for decades to be broken.
That is the value of the last lap. We came so close to creating such a mile stone in executing projects in BE, or probably any where, with such limited resources. And still we lost that great opportunity. Why we are such poor finishers ?? I really got annoyed yesterday, not because we lost that finish date ( However, That was lost a couple of days back ) but because we are likely to loose the next date too, that is September 30 th, which I gave it to Mr. Mahesh Kulkarni. He in turn has informed every one and has planned inauguration tomorrow.
Certainly the world is not going to collapse, because W H O audit is still 2 weeks clear from now. And even if we do not finish by that time, the management is not going to postpone the audit. It certainly has a plan B in place. But why I got annoyed was because of the approach of PROCRASTINATION and DELAYING till the last moment. That is not at all acceptable to me at least.
I also feel that you all must be counting my last few weeks in the company, and telling your self Kab Ye Bala Talegi.
But then in long run you all would realize the value of TIME & COMMITMENT. I would be personally very happy if you make a conscious attempt to learn from this event. It would be for your good only. I have written to you because I always want every one in my team to be a winner and an achiever. Good Luck to you.
Thanks & Regards,
A G Ganu
Sunday, September 28, 2008
From My Diary - Epicenter of Terror
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
From my Diary - Stepny
Monday, September 22, 2008
From my Diary - S E Zs
We all know about the Singur Imbroglio. The goof Ups by the Government, Mamta's Opportunistic Stance to garner vote bank and above all Tata's getting trapped in the system, are all well known to all of us. The big question is why the concerned state governments do not take the affected villagers in to confidence ?? In this context what happened in Maharashtra , on September 21, 08, could be termed as a path breaking approach. The affected villagers were given a chance to voice their feelings through a referendum. Thanks to Mr. Vinayak Nirupam for taking this bold step. Thanks to the State Government also for accepting this path. They have also asked the Department of Irrigation to submit their report and specify if the affected 22 villages are in the long term irrigation scheme. If the villagers vote against the S E Z bid of Reliance and if the irrigation department also casts it vote against the SEZ ( by giving an adverse report ) then it would be difficult for the State Government and Reliance to go against the wishes of masses, even though the last word would have to be said by the Government. There is a lobbying going on by the brokers of Land Acquisitionist of Reliance. They have also resorted to showing red carrots to the villagers. But then the N G O s are also doing their bit to ensure that the villagers don't get trapped in such short term lures. I feel it is a very democratic way of handling such issues. The land is life line of these villagers. so if at all the Government or a Corporate wishes to still go ahead with the S E Z schemes, then they should take the concerned villagers also into confidence. I also feel they should also consider the following, as responsible Governments and Corporate, if they all are interested in Social Welfare and General Up - lift of the conditions of the masses: Preferably no cultivatable land should be considered for this purpose. But if it is not avoidable then: Reputed NGO/s should be involved to safeguard the interest of the land owners. Referendum should be resorted to in case of disputes. It should also be supervised by the NGOs The affected land Owners should get enough compensation ( may be about 4 / 5 times the prevailing market rates ) to ensure that their 3 - 4 generations could survive on the money they get. Proper rehabilitation plans should be in place. The concerned authorities ( Government & the proposed SEZ Owners ) should engage recognized investment consultants to ensure that the owners invest at least 60 – 70 % of the funds in the names of each family members. The minors should be eligible to get possession of their funds on attaining adulthood. Job surety for at least one male and one female from each affected family should be given by the SEZ Owners. Any such other steps which ensure the social security of the affected people should also be incorporated.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
मोहन चंद्र शर्मा की कुर्बानी
Thursday, September 18, 2008
बिन्दु बिन्दु विचार - मीडिया का मीटर डाउन
अमरीका और भारत ने जोर लगाया, दबाव डाला ,
१२३ संधि सुर्खियों में रहा, मीडिया ने सब के दिलों - दिमाग में घुसपेठ की,
अणु करार हुआ, तो मीडिया हताश हुआ, फिर आगे क्या ? मीडिया सोचने पर मजबूर हुआ।
कोसी ने कहर ढाया, मीडिया कुछ दिन गर्म रहा , उजडे गाँव ,
मृत्यु का तांडव, भूक और भय से लाचार लोगों के चेहरे, क्या कुछ नही मिला मीडिया को, अमरनाथ का किस्सा गरमाया , सब की राजनीति चली ,मीडिया की चांदी हुई फिर आगे क्या ? मीडिया सोचने पर मजबूर हुआ।
सिंगुर में घपला हुआ, बुध्हदेव और ममता भिडे, राज्यपाल गांधीजी ने गांधीगिरी आजमाई, मीडिया ने इसे भुना, फिर आगे क्या ? मीडिया सोचने पर मजबूर हुआ।
मुंबई में भाषा का विवाद छिडा, म न से ने राजनीती खेली,
शिव सेना के बाघ ने भी अपने पंजों के नाखून तेज किए,
सरकारी बयानों के बाण छूटे , मामला कुछ ठंडा हुआ ही था कि,
जया जी ने आग में घी उडेला। बिग बी ने माफी मांगी,
छोटे और बड़े बी ने राज को अपनी दोस्ती याद दिलाई ,मामला सुलझा ।
फिर आगे क्या ? मीडिया सोचने पर मजबूर हुआ।
तभी फिर आतंकवादियों ने दिल्ली पर हमला बोला, मीडिया ने मीटर डाउन किया
मीडिया ने कहा - गणतंत्र पर गाज गिरी, सी बी आई , गृह मंत्री, पुलिस
सब मीडिया के घेरे में आए, मंत्री जी के तीन तीन लिबासों को सब चेनलों ने उछाला
अभी मीडिया का मीटर डाउन ही है। पर फिर कुछ दिनों में
फिर आगे क्या ? मीडिया सोचने पर मजबूर होगा ??
नहीं , क्योंकि
बीच बीच में आरुशी हत्या काण्ड , सोमाली में जहाज अपहरण
हेलिकोप्टर का गायब होना, ओबामा - मकैन का चुनावी जंग ,
प्रचंदा की भारत यात्रा, पाकिस्तानी घुसपैंठ , जरदारी का चुनाव ,
लेहमन का दिवालिया होना, ऐ ई जी, मोर्गन स्टानले इत्यादि कम्पनियों की
ख़बरों से बाज़ार में उतार चढाव होना, और इन जैसी
सनसनीखेज ख़बरों से वातावरण गर्म ही रहेगा ।
और कुछ न हुआ तो कोई प्रिंस किसी बोर वेल या खड्डे में गिरेगा
और फिर लोगों की प्रार्थनाओं का सिर्फ़ प्रिंस पर ही नही,
तुम पर भी असर होगा।
इसी लिए चाहे कितने चॅनल क्यों न खुले, २४ इन टू ७ अविरत क्यों न बड बड करें ,
भाई मीडिया वालों तुम्हारी दूकान तो हमेशा चलेगी ,
तुम्हारा कभी भी मीटर ऊपर नही होगा, हमेशा डाउन ही रहेगा । ।