I am an engineer by profession and an artist at heart. Now I have started my own consultancy firm after retirement. It is only to keep me engaged. Money is not the intention, though it is welcome as it fills my pockets occassionally
Born Free
Live Life Your Way
Saturday, September 6, 2008
I am not against Muslims. I have some great freinds. Aasif, Aarif and Afzal from Mumbai treat me like their own family members. They are ready to do any thing for me. I also have very good family realtions with Mr. Riyaz Kazi and his family. We used to call him kaka ( Uncle ). His one son grew up in our house when they moved out to Delhi from Pilani. His sons tie rakhi to my sister at Nagpur. But then it is antagonising to see the apeasement policies of our governments over past 6 decades.
I just feel that there should be EQULALITY.
I have read this some where. These are the excerpts. There may be some exageration. But none the less, there must be some iota of truth in all these. Every thing can not be simply BULL - SHIT.
Ø There are nearly 57 Muslim countries. Show one Muslim country which provides Haj subsidy.
Ø Show one Muslim country where Hindus are extended the special rights that Muslims are accorded in India ?
Ø Show one Muslim country which has a Non-Muslim as its President or Prime Minister.
Ø Show one country where the 82% majority craves for the indulgence of the 18% minority.
Ø Show one Mullah or Maulvi who has declared a ‘fatwa’ against terrorists.
Ø Today Hindus are 85%. If Hindus are intolerant, how come Masjids and Madrassas are thriving? How come Muslims are offering Namaz on the road? How come Muslims are proclaiming 5 times a day on loudspeakers that there is no God except Allah?
Ø When Hindus gave to Muslims 30% of Bharat for a song, why should Hindus now beg for their sacred places at Ayodhya, Mathura and Kashi?
Ø Why temple funds are spent for the welfare of Muslims and Christians, when they are free to spend their money in any way they like?
Ø In what way, J&K is different from Maharashtra , Tamil Nadu or Uttar Pradesh, to have Article 370?
Ø Why Gandhiji supported Khilafat movement (nothing to do with our freedom movement) and what in turn he got?
Ø If Muslims & Christians are minorities in Maharashtra, UP, Bihar , etc., are Hindus not minorities in J&K, Mizoram, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, etc? Why Hindus are denied minority rights in these States?
Ø Why post-Godhra is blown out of proportion, when no-one talks of the ethnic cleansing of 4 lakh Hindus from Kashmir ?
Ø In 1947, when India was partitioned, the Hindu population in Pakistan was about 24%. Today it is not even 1%. In 1947, the Hindu population in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh ) was 30%. Today it is about 7%. What happened to the missing Hindus? Do Hindus have human rights?
Ø In contrast, in India , Muslim population has gone up from 10.4% in 1951 to about 14% today; whereas Hindu population has come down from 87.2% in 1951 to 81.5% in 2001. Does any politician have the guts to ask Muslims to go for family planning?
Ø Do you consider that - Sanskrit is communal and Urdu is secular, Mandir is communal and Masjid is secular, Sadhu is communal and Imam is secular, BJP is communal and Muslim League is secular, Dr. Praveen Thogadiya is anti-national and Bhukari is national, Vande Matharam is communal and Allah-O-Akbar is secular, Shriman is communal and Mian is secular, Hinduism is communal and Islam is secular, Hindutva is communal and Jihadism is secular, and at last, Bharat is communal and Italy is secular?
Ø When Christian and Muslim schools can teach Bible and Quran, why Hindus cannot teach Gita or Ramayan?
Ø Dr. Praveenbhai Thogadiya has been arrested many times on flimsy grounds. Has the Shahi Imam of Jama Masjid, Delhi , Ahmed Bukhari been arrested for claiming to be an ISI agent and advocating partition of Bharat?
Ø When Haj pilgrims are given subsidy, why Hindu pilgrims to Amarnath, Sabarimalai & Kailash Mansarover are taxed?
Ø IMTD act in Assam gives legal rights to Bangladeshi Muslims to settle and become Indian citizen, whereas Indians cannot settle in Jammu & Kashmir. Why this double standard?
Ø J&K with about 1 crore population has been provided with aid worth Rs.24, 000 crores, i.e. Rs.24, 000/- per head, whereas in other states the per head aid is less than 5% of this amount. Is this not a reward for anti- nationalism?
Ø If painting is un-Islamic, why there is no Fatwa issued against MF Hussain? If he still persists with painting, is he not doing an un-Islamic act?
Ø If music, singing and dancing are un-Islamic (because Islam is a serious religion), why no Fatwa is issued against the many Khans in the cine field. What will they give up - Islam or Acting?
Ø Do you think that India will remain secular and democratic if Muslims become majority?
Ø When Deepavali & Janmashtami are celebrated at White House, House of Commons, Australian Parliament, etc. why are they not celebrated in Indian parliament? Are we more secular than USA , UK & Australia ?
Ø If the communal riots is due to RSS, VHP, Bajrang Dal, etc. why there are riots in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Turkey, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Chechhnya, China, Russia, UK, France, Spain, Cyprus, etc. - where there is no RSS/VHP.
Ø If Islam is a religion of peace, why Quran-reading and Gun-wielding is taught in tandem?
Ø How do you explain the Muslim psyche: Enjoying the freedom in a democratic country like India , USA , UK , France , etc. and still trying to make it an Islamic nation, where they lose all freedom?
Ø Do you trust that Islam and Christianity believe in Sarva Dharma Samabhav? If yes, why do they believe in conversion?
Ø Ishwar Allah tere naam - Can you show me one Muslim who has agreed to this?Ø Don’t you think that ‘Secular Muslim’ is a misnomer? A person can either be Secular or a Muslim, and not both? A Muslim (who believes in the only God, Allah) cannot be secular (believing in many Gods).
Ø UN Charter says that minority means less than 10% of the population. How can Muslims, who are nearly 25% in India be called a minority?
Ø How come a Muslim family peacefully lives in a predominantly Hindu locality, whereas a Hindu family is not able to do so in a Muslim locality?
Ø Why Hindu dominated Bharat is secular for ages and Muslim dominated countries are only Islamic with no powers to minorities?
Ø Why Christian Missionaries do not go to Muslim-dominated areas and start their social service there? Is it because they will not get sufficient return to their ‘investment’?
Ø Are you aware that India is the only country which openly invites infiltrators from Bangladesh . Bihar, UP and West Bengal Govts. provide them with immediate ration cards and make them voters. All Hindu-majority regions are peaceful. But all Hindu- minority regions have become problematic - like J&K, North Eastern parts, etc. Can you explain why?
Ø A Pakistani becomes Indian when he marries a Muslim girl from J&K. But when the same girl marries a Hindu from any part of India , he does not become a J&K citizen, but on the contrary, she loses her J&K citizenship. What kind of law is this?
Ø When you are asking for the resignation of CMs like Narendra Modi, Uma Bharti, etc. on trivial grounds, why are you not demanding the resignation of the CM of J&K, where thousands of security personnel have been killed by terrorists? - Where nearly 4 lakhs Hindus have been ethnic cleansed.
Ø The UP govt. confessed that it cannot abide by Supreme Court judgment of 1986 on the Varanasi burial ground dispute between Sunni and Shia Muslims. The Karnataka Govt. refused to abide by the SC’s order on the Cauvery water dispute. Is this respecting court judgment?
Ø When one Graham Staines is killed, the English press goes overboard in condemning his killers. But when 58 Hindus, including 30 women and children, were burnt alive in Sabarmati Express, they kept silent. The victims are depicted as the villain. Is this responsible journalism?
Ø Delhi Imam Syed Bhukari declared that Taliban is the ideal for all Muslims and Osama Bin Laden is the hero? Do you consider him a secular icon?
Ø There are thousands of Questions .. Without solving this problems how can we think to power up the India ?
Ø The nation is threatened with apathy of timid gentle souls which is more damaging than wickedness of wicked persons.
But The big question is Who will bring about this change ?
I wait for the age when politicians would not be after the vote banks and will take the bulls by the horns, so to say, and to have the courage of conviction to bring about the much wanted CHANGE.
I look forward to the Gen - N.
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