Born Free

Born Free
Live Life Your Way


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

From my Diary - Perception

Today when we formally inaugurated our new QA facility, every one from the top management was highly appreciative about the new facility. They all went gaga in praising and complimenting me and my team. Mr Srinivasan, my team leader of this 18 L project had a final word and said " what a pity sir, you have completed a project of 200 crore, in phase I at Shameerpet, and no body has a word of praise for that work, which was done in flat 2 years and with in budget, but they all are going over the roof tops in appreciation, for this small project. I call it matter of PERCEPTION. What do you call it ??

From My Diary - Motivation

We started the work of making a new facility for the W H O audit, some time in the last week of August 08. We were given a dead line of end September 08. In turn I gave my people a target of September 27 th. The carpet area of 1500 sft , was by no means a small area, if we consider that we had to start from excavation on wards. Still we took up the challenge. The work involved the civil work, including partition works, false ceiling flooring and 2 toilets. It also involved air conditioning, lighting and procuring and putting all furniture in office, conference, dining area and pantry. Mind you all, this time also consisted of time required for mobilization of all resources. Just when we were almost there my project team thought that they could relax a bit . So I wrote a mail to my team leader on September 29 th. And Lo. The effect was that we could finish all the works , dot on time. Today we have our first meeting in that area only. Here is the text of my mail to my team leader, Mr. Srinivas Rao. Dear Srinivas Rao, Yesterday, I was completely shocked to note that you and all your vendors left with in half an hour of my leaving the site at 4. 30 PM. That reflects on the seriousness and commitment you people from generation next attach to the work. No doubt you all had certainly done a wonderful job during the last one month. There is also no doubt in my mind that this was certainly not a project which could have been completed in one month flat. But then we can not ignore the following facts:

Starting the work in the last week of August, We planned to complete it by 27 th of September. So, We selected all such materials which do not have too much linkage gaps between any two activities.

We changed the material of external walls, and still we all consciously agreed to maintain the dead line.

We also changed the make of the furniture from Wipro to Methodex, based on the feed back from materials. This was to ensure that we still maintain the dead lines.

Unfortunately, Some time during the last week, on September 23 rd or so, We all realized that we could still make it. Surprisingly, You relaxed. It reminds me of the recent Olympics. The great Jamaican Athlete, Bolt could have clocked 100 mtrs in a time of around 9.65 seconds or so. But he dropped his pace in the last lap when he realized that he is a world beater and it cost him a few Millie Seconds, which certainly would have created a record for decades to be broken.

That is the value of the last lap. We came so close to creating such a mile stone in executing projects in BE, or probably any where, with such limited resources. And still we lost that great opportunity. Why we are such poor finishers ?? I really got annoyed yesterday, not because we lost that finish date ( However, That was lost a couple of days back ) but because we are likely to loose the next date too, that is September 30 th, which I gave it to Mr. Mahesh Kulkarni. He in turn has informed every one and has planned inauguration tomorrow.

Certainly the world is not going to collapse, because W H O audit is still 2 weeks clear from now. And even if we do not finish by that time, the management is not going to postpone the audit. It certainly has a plan B in place. But why I got annoyed was because of the approach of PROCRASTINATION and DELAYING till the last moment. That is not at all acceptable to me at least.

I also feel that you all must be counting my last few weeks in the company, and telling your self Kab Ye Bala Talegi.

But then in long run you all would realize the value of TIME & COMMITMENT. I would be personally very happy if you make a conscious attempt to learn from this event. It would be for your good only. I have written to you because I always want every one in my team to be a winner and an achiever. Good Luck to you.

Thanks & Regards,

A G Ganu

Sunday, September 28, 2008

From My Diary - Epicenter of Terror

After the recent Bomb explosions in Delhi, the police has come out with a startling Revelation. They feel that almost all the terrorist activities have a link with Azamgadh in UP and the leaders of all such modules acting in the country and having links with SIMI, originate from Azamgadh. That was sufficient in our democracy to trigger criticism from the proponents of the minorities and so called awakened socialists and activists like Sister Shabana and Tista Sitalwad. Our judiciary is also hindering the attempts of the government machinery like police, CBI, etc and passing out strictures against their actions. One simple complaint from such awakened activists is enough for the judiciary to put a spoke. Some of our politicians like Arjun Singh & Amar Singh too are to be blamed. Such people immediately jump in to action under the pretext of protecting the rights of minorities and create friction amongst the classes. Media does not want to be left far behind, so they come out with coverages of the aggrieved families. I have yet to come across a mother or a father or any kith and kin of the accused saying loud and clear that " yes, the accused was on the wrong side of the law and needs to be punished. I find Shabana's recent comment that how could we generalise by saying that Azamgadh is the epicenter of all such recent terrorist acts, which have shaken the confidence of the nation. She further argues that the accused may form only 0.00001 % of Azamgadh Population. it may be true. Then why not find out the percentage of accused with respect to over all Muslim population in the country. It may be 0.000000001 % . So what does she want to prove ? I have one more statistics to put forward. Let us find out the percentage of all accused, having linkage to Azamgadh with respect to the accused from any other city. Probably this figure may be an eye opener for sister shababna. I have a strong opinion and that is - First the CBI and Police should be made autonomous bodies. Secondly, No body , be it an activist, media, judiciary or politicians should be allowed to comment till the police / CBI does its' job and files a case, and create hurdles. In fact such obstacles and political pressures only have an demoralising effect on them. There may be some stray cases of excesses, but then that could be tackled separately and guilty could be punished. But that does not mean that we should stop them from taking appropriate action in time. I feel a strong law and a strong machinery only can help us crack the problem of terror. Till such time if police feel Azamgadh is the epicenter of all the recent acts, be it so . And let us all believe their judgment.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

From my Diary - Stepny

After I announced my retirement I have been enjoying complete free time, as I indicated in my earlier posting, in Hindi. Today I felt one more thing during lunch when four of my colleagues said some thing about them being in tier 3 or 4 in the hierarchy. They said this because they all were in tier 2 some days back only. But I told them " Yaar I have a different take on this . Just for a moment consider that Tier is Tyre. Then you all , 4 of you, are still the main running tyres of the vehicle. I have been used as a Stepny for last 8 / 9 months. I am put in service, whenever the driver has a problem with one of you ( has a problem in your areas ). I am a flat tyre, and only used in emergencies like these. Ha Ha Ha

Monday, September 22, 2008

From my Diary - S E Zs

We all know about the Singur Imbroglio. The goof Ups by the Government, Mamta's Opportunistic Stance to garner vote bank and above all Tata's getting trapped in the system, are all well known to all of us. The big question is why the concerned state governments do not take the affected villagers in to confidence ?? In this context what happened in Maharashtra , on September 21, 08, could be termed as a path breaking approach. The affected villagers were given a chance to voice their feelings through a referendum. Thanks to Mr. Vinayak Nirupam for taking this bold step. Thanks to the State Government also for accepting this path. They have also asked the Department of Irrigation to submit their report and specify if the affected 22 villages are in the long term irrigation scheme. If the villagers vote against the S E Z bid of Reliance and if the irrigation department also casts it vote against the SEZ ( by giving an adverse report ) then it would be difficult for the State Government and Reliance to go against the wishes of masses, even though the last word would have to be said by the Government. There is a lobbying going on by the brokers of Land Acquisitionist of Reliance. They have also resorted to showing red carrots to the villagers. But then the N G O s are also doing their bit to ensure that the villagers don't get trapped in such short term lures. I feel it is a very democratic way of handling such issues. The land is life line of these villagers. so if at all the Government or a Corporate wishes to still go ahead with the S E Z schemes, then they should take the concerned villagers also into confidence. I also feel they should also consider the following, as responsible Governments and Corporate, if they all are interested in Social Welfare and General Up - lift of the conditions of the masses: Preferably no cultivatable land should be considered for this purpose. But if it is not avoidable then: Reputed NGO/s should be involved to safeguard the interest of the land owners. Referendum should be resorted to in case of disputes. It should also be supervised by the NGOs The affected land Owners should get enough compensation ( may be about 4 / 5 times the prevailing market rates ) to ensure that their 3 - 4 generations could survive on the money they get. Proper rehabilitation plans should be in place. The concerned authorities ( Government & the proposed SEZ Owners ) should engage recognized investment consultants to ensure that the owners invest at least 60 – 70 % of the funds in the names of each family members. The minors should be eligible to get possession of their funds on attaining adulthood. Job surety for at least one male and one female from each affected family should be given by the SEZ Owners. Any such other steps which ensure the social security of the affected people should also be incorporated.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

मोहन चंद्र शर्मा की कुर्बानी

कल दिल्ली में हुई मुठभेड़ में दो आतंकवादी मारे गए, एक पकड़ा गया और दो फरार होने में कामयाब हुए । पर सब से बड़ा दुःख तो इस बात का है की दिल्ली पुलिस का एक कर्मठ कर्मचारी भी इस मुठभेड़ में शहीद हुआ । जांबाज पुलिस इंसपेक्टर श्री मोहन चंद्र शर्मा ने स्वंयं की समस्याओं को नजरअंदाज कर देशहीत में ख़ुद को झोंक देना ज्यादा मुनासिब समझा । उनका पुत्र डेंगू की चपेट में अस्पताल में भरती था । वे स्वयं भी तीन दिनों से वहीं थे , पर जैसे ही उन्हें इस मामले की ख़बर दी गई , वे उसी समय मौकाए वारदात पहुँच गए । उन्होंने सुरक्षा कवच भी नही पहना था । फिर भी सच्चे लीडर की तरह वे पहले अन्दर घुसे । उन्होंने चार गोलिया झेली । अस्पताल में उन्होंने आखिरी साँस ली । पर अचरज कि बात है कि वहां की मुस्लिम बस्ती वालों ने सड़कों पर आकर नारे बाजी की और पुलिस पर झूठी मुठभेड़ का आरोप लगाया । और इसमें मीडिया ने भी साथ दिया । यह एक शर्मनाक वाक़या था । सोचने की बात है कि यदि इस मुठभेड़ में किसी पुलिसकर्मी की मौत होती है , उस मकान में ऐ के ४७ और पिसौल मिलती है , कुछ गोला बारूद और कार्तुसें मिलती हैं तो कैसे यह एक मनघडंत और झूठी मुठभेड़ हो सकती है । यह कोई पहली बार नहीं हुआ है । हर इस तरह कि घटना के बाद इस समुदाय के लोग , उनके रिश्ते दार और कुछ राजनीतक दलों के लीडर पुलिस , या फौज पर इस तरह के आरोप लगाने से नहीं चुकती । मीडिया भी इसे भुनाती है । मानवाधिकार ( ह्यूमन राइट्स ) का वास्ता दिया जाता है , तीस्ता सीतलवाड़ जैसे छिछले और ओछी मानसिकता के लोग ऐसे कदमों के विरोध में एडी छोटी का जोर लगा कर विरोध में केस कर के रोडे अटकाते हैं । मीडिया भी इन बातों को हवा देते नहीं थमती । अब समय आगया है , यदि हम अमरीका या इंग्लॅण्ड का उदहारण सामने रखें और इस समस्या से छुटकारा पाने कि ख्वाहिश रखते हैं तो हमें भी आतंकवाद के खिलाफ शुन्य सहिष्णुता अपनाने की जरुरत है । साथ ही साथ हमें पुलिस और फौज को राजनीती के कंट्रोल से हटाना पड़ेगा। जैसा कि ऐ पी एस गिल , पार्थसारथी और परेरा ने कल कहा कि पुलिस और फौज सक्षम हैं पर उन्हें स्वतंत्रता देने कि सख्त जरुरत है । ऐसे समय में जब कोई विपदा एक राष्ट्रीय रूप लेती है , सभी राजनैतिक दलों को पक्षीय राजनीती से उठ कर , एक जुट हो कर समस्या से लड़ने कि जरूरत है । वोट बैंक कि राजनीती ऐसे समय जो भी दल करे उसका सामूहिक तिरस्कार करने का वक्त आगया है । मीडिया को भी संयम से काम करने का वक्त आ गया है । टी आर पी , या वन अप् मन शिप का लालच छोड़ना होगा । मीडिया को भी लाइव कवरेज देने से दूर रहना चाहिए । उन्हें सिर्फ खबर देनी चाहिए । लोगों का , बस्ती वालों का , रिश्तेदारों का क्या मत है , या फिर कौन गुन्हाह्गार है , कौन जिम्मदार है इत्यादि बातों को ऐसे समय उछाल कर मामले को और उलझाना नहीं चाहिए । इस के लिए यदि कोई प्रसार माध्यमों पर पाबन्दी का कानून लाने की जरूरत है तो सरकार को वह भी करना चाहिए । इसी तरह जैसा कि किरण बेदी ने कहा , जनता की साझेदारी और पुलिस को मदत की भी जरूरत है । तभी पुलिस के हाथ मजबूत होंगे और उन्हें सही वक्त पर जानकारी मिलेगी । जनता को भी अब चौकन्ना रहने का वक्त आ गया है । तभी ऐसे लोगों की हरकतों को हम सब और पुलिस काबू में रख पाएगी . तभी सही मायनों में हम इस ज्वलंत समस्या से लड़ पायेंगे । और वही सफलता ही सच्चे अर्थों में मोहन चन्द्र शर्मा को श्रधान्जली होगी । तभी उसकी और उसके जैसे लोगों की ( जो आम जनता कि रक्षा के लिए अपनी जान की बाजी लगा देते हैं ) कुर्बानी सार्थक होगी ।

Thursday, September 18, 2008

बिन्दु बिन्दु विचार - मीडिया का मीटर डाउन

मुंबई, अहमदाबाद, बंगलुरु में आतंकवादियों ने तहलका मचाया, मीडिया सब घरों में छाया , मीडिया ने इसे भुना फिर आगे क्या ? मीडिया सोचने पर मजबूर हुआ ।

अमरीका और भारत ने जोर लगाया, दबाव डाला ,

१२३ संधि सुर्खियों में रहा, मीडिया ने सब के दिलों - दिमाग में घुसपेठ की,

अणु करार हुआ, तो मीडिया हताश हुआ, फिर आगे क्या ? मीडिया सोचने पर मजबूर हुआ।

कोसी ने कहर ढाया, मीडिया कुछ दिन गर्म रहा , उजडे गाँव ,

मृत्यु का तांडव, भूक और भय से लाचार लोगों के चेहरे, क्या कुछ नही मिला मीडिया को, अमरनाथ का किस्सा गरमाया , सब की राजनीति चली ,मीडिया की चांदी हुई फिर आगे क्या ? मीडिया सोचने पर मजबूर हुआ।

सिंगुर में घपला हुआ, बुध्हदेव और ममता भिडे, राज्यपाल गांधीजी ने गांधीगिरी आजमाई, मीडिया ने इसे भुना, फिर आगे क्या ? मीडिया सोचने पर मजबूर हुआ।

मुंबई में भाषा का विवाद छिडा, म न से ने राजनीती खेली,

शिव सेना के बाघ ने भी अपने पंजों के नाखून तेज किए,

सरकारी बयानों के बाण छूटे , मामला कुछ ठंडा हुआ ही था कि,

जया जी ने आग में घी उडेला। बिग बी ने माफी मांगी,

छोटे और बड़े बी ने राज को अपनी दोस्ती याद दिलाई ,मामला सुलझा ।

फिर आगे क्या ? मीडिया सोचने पर मजबूर हुआ।

तभी फिर आतंकवादियों ने दिल्ली पर हमला बोला, मीडिया ने मीटर डाउन किया

मीडिया ने कहा - गणतंत्र पर गाज गिरी, सी बी आई , गृह मंत्री, पुलिस

सब मीडिया के घेरे में आए, मंत्री जी के तीन तीन लिबासों को सब चेनलों ने उछाला

अभी मीडिया का मीटर डाउन ही है। पर फिर कुछ दिनों में

फिर आगे क्या ? मीडिया सोचने पर मजबूर होगा ??

नहीं , क्योंकि

बीच बीच में आरुशी हत्या काण्ड , सोमाली में जहाज अपहरण

हेलिकोप्टर का गायब होना, ओबामा - मकैन का चुनावी जंग ,

प्रचंदा की भारत यात्रा, पाकिस्तानी घुसपैंठ , जरदारी का चुनाव ,

लेहमन का दिवालिया होना, ऐ ई जी, मोर्गन स्टानले इत्यादि कम्पनियों की

ख़बरों से बाज़ार में उतार चढाव होना, और इन जैसी

सनसनीखेज ख़बरों से वातावरण गर्म ही रहेगा ।

और कुछ न हुआ तो कोई प्रिंस किसी बोर वेल या खड्डे में गिरेगा

और फिर लोगों की प्रार्थनाओं का सिर्फ़ प्रिंस पर ही नही,

तुम पर भी असर होगा।

इसी लिए चाहे कितने चॅनल क्यों न खुले, २४ इन टू ७ अविरत क्यों न बड बड करें ,

भाई मीडिया वालों तुम्हारी दूकान तो हमेशा चलेगी ,

तुम्हारा कभी भी मीटर ऊपर नही होगा, हमेशा डाउन ही रहेगा । ।

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

From My Diary - Terror

September 17, 08 Today I had planned to pen my views on this burning issue, after reading the morning papers and listening to the point less debates making rounds in our media channels. But, I stopped after I got a stirring mail from my friend Sayali, from Mumbai. I thought I could not have done a better job. So I thought of just reproducing the text from the mail. I will certainly pen my views in a couple of days. The text of views of the Australian P M are put verbatim for every one to draw conclusions. Australia Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told by Prime Minister John Howard on Wednesday to get out of Australia , as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks. Separately, Howard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying he supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques. Quote: 'IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians.' 'This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom' 'We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society . Learn the language!' 'Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.' 'We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.' 'This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, 'THE RIGHT TO LEAVE'.' 'If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.'

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

From my Diary - Conversions

September 16, 2008 I strongly condemn the attack on Churches and merciless Killing of our own brothers and sisters, first in Orissa and now in Karnataka. I feel wisdom should dawn and prevail on people involved in such acts.It is really very sad to see the violence route adopted by the Bajarang Dal and similar Hindu groups on the issue of conversions. I am not a Gandhian too, to say that if some one slaps on one cheek, you should offer the other. Certainly Gone are those days. We are living in most competitive age today. But to take law and order in hands is also not an approach I would like to support, no matter how aggrieved I am, on a certain issue. I feel the poor get affiliated to christianity because their basic needs of food and shelter and education are easily met by the promoters of chritianism. They are funded well by their brothers from abroad. Their missionaries, operating in India, are well supported by their counter parts abroad. So it is really the Money Power which bears fruits in spreading their religion by conversion. Then why can not Hindu sects achieve this ? Yes, it will take them also few decades, if they start today. They should approach and convince the rich Indians ( staying here or elsewhere ) and get the money power to save the conversions. I do not think any one wants to change religion for heck of it. If some one's basic needs are fulfilled and still he or she wants to change his region out of his faith in that particular religion, then be it so. I do not subscribe to making a hue and cry on such willing conversions, like Casius Clay ( Mohd Ali ) did. I pray to the gods to give wisdom to the extremists of the Bajrang Dal or all such groups, and request them to adopt a more peaceful way of stopping conversions. No one can give a license to freely kill ones' own brothers and sisters. After all they are all Indians, by all means.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

From my Diary - Below Poverty Line

September 13, 2008 Recently the World Bank published a document indicating that Appx 1 in every 10 Indian is below the poverty line, considering their earning below $ 1.25 / day as the bench mark for the poverty line. That means roughly about 25 million Indians are below the poverty line. However as per the Government's statistics about 20 million Indians are below the poverty line. The Government considers 2400 kcal / day food intake as the bench mark for the poverty line. They may and certainly will refute the WB figures. But that hardly is an issue, because whether it is 20 or 25 million, it is a big number, and we should be ashamed about it because all the tom tomming about Harit Kranti ( Green Revolution ), GDP rate of growth, Industrialization, Globalization etc have still not given us enough reasons to Smile. Certainly the Inclusive Growth concept is still missing. But consider the other aspects and you see a different picture. Consider the grwoth in Industrialization, Infra structure, one really gets a feel good feeling. Take for instance the growth in number of telephones connected over the years, number of TVs sold every year, number of cars sold every year and the number of models launched every year, the mind boggling growth in sales of computers, number of mobiles sold every year, number of white goods sold etc etc, you really feel great and get a feeling that India is Shining. But then these numbers are totally misleading because these do not give the real picture, that is of 70 - 80 percent of the country covered by villages and villagers. The very fact that a single flood, the KOSI Flood has caused havoc and rendered around 3 million people home less in Bihar, is reflective of our real poverty. 6 decades should have been good enough for us to eradicate poverty. Let us learn from our mistakes in the past and put our foot on the accelerator and take all measures to see that eradication of illiteracy, poverty is achieved at least by 2020. And like these two ailments the others like Good Health and Good Shelter for all too are totally eradicated from the scene. Un - Employment will automatically get solved, in my opinion. I think we will then also be able to fulfil the vision 2020 envisioned by honourable Dr. Abdul Kalam, and i twould no longer remain a pipe dream. It is then only that we can take pride and say INDIA IS SHINING.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

मेरी डायरी से - कोसी का कहर

सालों पहले ऐसा ही कुछ मोरवी , गुजरात में हुआ था। मैंने उस समय इस पर कविता के रूप में अपने विचार व्यक्त किए थे। तब से आज तक इतिहास दुहराया ही जा रहा है। गर्मियों में सूखे से राज्यों में तबाही मचती है, और बारिश के दिनों में बाढ़ से आई विपदाएं गाँव के गाँव उजाड़ देती हैं। सरकारें बदली, मगर अपनी सोच नही बदली। उनके और अपने थाट और रवैया ज्यों का त्यों ही है। एक दुसरे पर दोषारोपण होते हैं, हर विपक्षी नेता सरकारी मुलाजिमों के तबादले करने , या हटाने की मांग करते हैं, मंत्रियों के इस्तीफे की मांग करते हैं, मुख्य मंत्री या हद हुई तो प्रधान मंत्री के इस्तीफे की मांग करने से नही चूकते। और दूसरी और सत्ताधारी विपक्ष के कार्य काल ( जब वे सत्ता में थे ) की गलतियों को या उनकी नीतियों को दोषी ठहराते हैं। कब तक हम वास्तविकता से भागते रहेंगे, कब सरकारें और सरकारी मुलाजिम संवेदनशीलता का परिचय देंगे ? आम आदमी भी बेवखूफ़ के बेवखूफ़ ही रहे। हर चुनाव में कुछ रपये पैसों का लालच, कुछ दिखावे के लिए योजनाओं की घोषणा, कुछ रोजगार योजनाओं की घोषणा , सस्ते दामों में कुछ दाल चावल देने की घोषणा इत्यादि काफ़ी होती हैं। गाँव के गाँव, जमात की जमात भेड़ बकरियों जैसे एक के पीछे एक , किसी एक पार्टी या जमात के व्यक्ति को वोट देते हैं। चुनाव ख़त्म होते ही आम आदमी वहीं का वहीं रह जाता है। क्यों नही वह भी बदलाव के लिए विद्रोह की आवाज़ उठाता ?? बिहार में आई विपदा एक राष्ट्रीय संकट है। कोसी ने अपना पात्र करीब १०० किलोमीटर से बदला और बिहार भर में तबाही मचा दी। करीब २५ लाख लोगों ने अपना सब कुछ खो दिया। आज तक करीब १००० लोगों ने अपने प्राण खोये हैं। लोग अपने परिवारों से बिछड़ गए हैं। पुनर्वसन का अता - पता नही है। २ हफ्तों से लोग भूके हैं। सहायता नाम मात्र की पहुंचाई जा रही है। आने वाले दिनों में औषधियों और डॉक्टरों की बहुत जरूरत होगी। सरकारी व्यवस्था इस पर क्या विचार कर रही है इसका किसी को इल्म नही है, और गम भी नही है। कब तक हम सब इस स्थिति से मुह मोड़ कर , हाथ पर हाथ डाले बैठे रहेंगे ? कब स्तिथि सामान्य होगी इसका किसी को अंदाज़ नही है। मुझे कभी कभी ख़ुद को अपने भारतीयत्व पर शर्म आती है।

The BIG BANG - The Higgs Particle

Yesterday was a historical day in the Scientific Field. A 27 KM round ring, developed by scientists from around the world, located some where on the outskerts of Geneva and scientifically known as LHC ( Large Hadron Colloider - Hope I spelt it correctly ) got kick started. The aim and objective of this study is to get to the root of the the birth of the Universe. The particle generated would move in opposite direction at the Speed of the Light and colloid to simulate the conditions of the BIG BANG. It will be an year long experiment. Scientists from 80 countries have put their brains on this project. Around 200 scientist, out of approximate 1200 scientist are of Indian origin. Our Institutions like CAT at Indore, TIFR & BARC at Mumbai, The nuclear science lab at Kolkatta are also involved, in this great attempt to come to terms with the mysteries of the evolution of the universe. It is certainly heartening to note that Indian Scientists are also actively involved. Who can forget the great scientist BOSE, who has his name on one of the particle constituents of ATOM, the BOSSON as it is called. the other named after the Italian Scientist Enrico Fermi. There were fears of the world coming to a NAUGHT, or Black Holes getting created after the bang. But people hardly realize that a lot of work goes behind any such experiment, be it related to space research , rocket science , Nuclear Science etc. All possible RISKs are covered in the studies before coming to a conclusion about such tests. So let us have a sound sleep in coming days, when many mysteries will get unfolded, peel by peel. What i liked most in this issue was the comment of the great British scientist, Hawkings. He said on the BBC that he would like to bet 100 $ as he felt that nothing concrete would come out of this experiment. He said that the scientist would feel that some thing is wrong with the experiment and that it would give us all an opportunity to think again. WHAT A THOUGHT. In short what he wanted to emphasize was that the thrill and challenges would diminish and dampen, if you get answers to your queries, and that would be the end of GROWTH, unless they come up with newer questions. Simply great. People who know about Hawkings would understand what I mean. Hats of to such an unending SPIRIT.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


JUST THINK IT OVER !! I am not against Muslims. I have some great freinds. Aasif, Aarif and Afzal from Mumbai treat me like their own family members. They are ready to do any thing for me. I also have very good family realtions with Mr. Riyaz Kazi and his family. We used to call him kaka ( Uncle ). His one son grew up in our house when they moved out to Delhi from Pilani. His sons tie rakhi to my sister at Nagpur. But then it is antagonising to see the apeasement policies of our governments over past 6 decades. I just feel that there should be EQULALITY. I have read this some where. These are the excerpts. There may be some exageration. But none the less, there must be some iota of truth in all these. Every thing can not be simply BULL - SHIT. Ø There are nearly 57 Muslim countries. Show one Muslim country which provides Haj subsidy. Ø Show one Muslim country where Hindus are extended the special rights that Muslims are accorded in India ? Ø Show one Muslim country which has a Non-Muslim as its President or Prime Minister. Ø Show one country where the 82% majority craves for the indulgence of the 18% minority. Ø Show one Mullah or Maulvi who has declared a ‘fatwa’ against terrorists. Ø Today Hindus are 85%. If Hindus are intolerant, how come Masjids and Madrassas are thriving? How come Muslims are offering Namaz on the road? How come Muslims are proclaiming 5 times a day on loudspeakers that there is no God except Allah? Ø When Hindus gave to Muslims 30% of Bharat for a song, why should Hindus now beg for their sacred places at Ayodhya, Mathura and Kashi? Ø Why temple funds are spent for the welfare of Muslims and Christians, when they are free to spend their money in any way they like? Ø In what way, J&K is different from Maharashtra , Tamil Nadu or Uttar Pradesh, to have Article 370? Ø Why Gandhiji supported Khilafat movement (nothing to do with our freedom movement) and what in turn he got? Ø If Muslims & Christians are minorities in Maharashtra, UP, Bihar , etc., are Hindus not minorities in J&K, Mizoram, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, etc? Why Hindus are denied minority rights in these States? Ø Why post-Godhra is blown out of proportion, when no-one talks of the ethnic cleansing of 4 lakh Hindus from Kashmir ? Ø In 1947, when India was partitioned, the Hindu population in Pakistan was about 24%. Today it is not even 1%. In 1947, the Hindu population in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh ) was 30%. Today it is about 7%. What happened to the missing Hindus? Do Hindus have human rights? Ø In contrast, in India , Muslim population has gone up from 10.4% in 1951 to about 14% today; whereas Hindu population has come down from 87.2% in 1951 to 81.5% in 2001. Does any politician have the guts to ask Muslims to go for family planning? Ø Do you consider that - Sanskrit is communal and Urdu is secular, Mandir is communal and Masjid is secular, Sadhu is communal and Imam is secular, BJP is communal and Muslim League is secular, Dr. Praveen Thogadiya is anti-national and Bhukari is national, Vande Matharam is communal and Allah-O-Akbar is secular, Shriman is communal and Mian is secular, Hinduism is communal and Islam is secular, Hindutva is communal and Jihadism is secular, and at last, Bharat is communal and Italy is secular? Ø When Christian and Muslim schools can teach Bible and Quran, why Hindus cannot teach Gita or Ramayan? Ø Dr. Praveenbhai Thogadiya has been arrested many times on flimsy grounds. Has the Shahi Imam of Jama Masjid, Delhi , Ahmed Bukhari been arrested for claiming to be an ISI agent and advocating partition of Bharat? Ø When Haj pilgrims are given subsidy, why Hindu pilgrims to Amarnath, Sabarimalai & Kailash Mansarover are taxed? Ø IMTD act in Assam gives legal rights to Bangladeshi Muslims to settle and become Indian citizen, whereas Indians cannot settle in Jammu & Kashmir. Why this double standard? Ø J&K with about 1 crore population has been provided with aid worth Rs.24, 000 crores, i.e. Rs.24, 000/- per head, whereas in other states the per head aid is less than 5% of this amount. Is this not a reward for anti- nationalism? Ø If painting is un-Islamic, why there is no Fatwa issued against MF Hussain? If he still persists with painting, is he not doing an un-Islamic act? Ø If music, singing and dancing are un-Islamic (because Islam is a serious religion), why no Fatwa is issued against the many Khans in the cine field. What will they give up - Islam or Acting? Ø Do you think that India will remain secular and democratic if Muslims become majority? Ø When Deepavali & Janmashtami are celebrated at White House, House of Commons, Australian Parliament, etc. why are they not celebrated in Indian parliament? Are we more secular than USA , UK & Australia ? Ø If the communal riots is due to RSS, VHP, Bajrang Dal, etc. why there are riots in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Turkey, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Chechhnya, China, Russia, UK, France, Spain, Cyprus, etc. - where there is no RSS/VHP. Ø If Islam is a religion of peace, why Quran-reading and Gun-wielding is taught in tandem? Ø How do you explain the Muslim psyche: Enjoying the freedom in a democratic country like India , USA , UK , France , etc. and still trying to make it an Islamic nation, where they lose all freedom? Ø Do you trust that Islam and Christianity believe in Sarva Dharma Samabhav? If yes, why do they believe in conversion? Ø Ishwar Allah tere naam - Can you show me one Muslim who has agreed to this?Ø Don’t you think that ‘Secular Muslim’ is a misnomer? A person can either be Secular or a Muslim, and not both? A Muslim (who believes in the only God, Allah) cannot be secular (believing in many Gods). Ø UN Charter says that minority means less than 10% of the population. How can Muslims, who are nearly 25% in India be called a minority? Ø How come a Muslim family peacefully lives in a predominantly Hindu locality, whereas a Hindu family is not able to do so in a Muslim locality? Ø Why Hindu dominated Bharat is secular for ages and Muslim dominated countries are only Islamic with no powers to minorities? Ø Why Christian Missionaries do not go to Muslim-dominated areas and start their social service there? Is it because they will not get sufficient return to their ‘investment’? Ø Are you aware that India is the only country which openly invites infiltrators from Bangladesh . Bihar, UP and West Bengal Govts. provide them with immediate ration cards and make them voters. All Hindu-majority regions are peaceful. But all Hindu- minority regions have become problematic - like J&K, North Eastern parts, etc. Can you explain why? Ø A Pakistani becomes Indian when he marries a Muslim girl from J&K. But when the same girl marries a Hindu from any part of India , he does not become a J&K citizen, but on the contrary, she loses her J&K citizenship. What kind of law is this? Ø When you are asking for the resignation of CMs like Narendra Modi, Uma Bharti, etc. on trivial grounds, why are you not demanding the resignation of the CM of J&K, where thousands of security personnel have been killed by terrorists? - Where nearly 4 lakhs Hindus have been ethnic cleansed. Ø The UP govt. confessed that it cannot abide by Supreme Court judgment of 1986 on the Varanasi burial ground dispute between Sunni and Shia Muslims. The Karnataka Govt. refused to abide by the SC’s order on the Cauvery water dispute. Is this respecting court judgment? Ø When one Graham Staines is killed, the English press goes overboard in condemning his killers. But when 58 Hindus, including 30 women and children, were burnt alive in Sabarmati Express, they kept silent. The victims are depicted as the villain. Is this responsible journalism? Ø Delhi Imam Syed Bhukari declared that Taliban is the ideal for all Muslims and Osama Bin Laden is the hero? Do you consider him a secular icon? Ø There are thousands of Questions .. Without solving this problems how can we think to power up the India ? Ø The nation is threatened with apathy of timid gentle souls which is more damaging than wickedness of wicked persons. But The big question is Who will bring about this change ? I wait for the age when politicians would not be after the vote banks and will take the bulls by the horns, so to say, and to have the courage of conviction to bring about the much wanted CHANGE. I look forward to the Gen - N.

बिन्दु बिन्दु विचार - सहज बुद्धी

मुझे हमेशा यह विचार आता है कि लोगों में सहज और सरल बुद्धी कि कमी क्यों होती है ? क्यों हम एक छोटी सी समस्या को एक विकराल रूप देतें हैं , और उसे एक बड़ी और न सुलझने वाली गुत्थी बनाते हैं ? कुछ उधारण पढिये : एक आदमी को दिल्ली से रोहतक जाना था, उसने बस स्टैंड पर खड़ी एक बस में बैठे यात्री से पूछा " भाई , ये बस रोहतक जायेगी ?? यात्री ने कहा जायेगी। उस व्यक्ति ने कहा " अरे बस के बोर्ड पर तो लिखा है - दिल्ली - भिवानी , तो यात्री ने कहा , भाई तुम्हे बस में चढ़ कर जाना है कि बोर्ड पर बैठ कर जाना है। " अब मेरे व्यवसाय से जुड़े कुछ किस्से पढिये : मेरे लेप टॉप का बेटरी चारजर ख़राब हुआ। असल में उसकी तारें बार बार मोड़ने कि वजह से टूट गई थीं। टूटा हुआ हिस्सा बाहर से भी नजर आता था। मेरे इंस्ट्रूमेंट इंजिनअर को यह काम सोपा। वह कुछ देर बाद आ कर बोला, सर - इसे बदलें तो अच्छा होगा। मैंने पूछा क्यों, इसे ठीक नही किया जा सकता क्या। उसने कहा होगा, पर चार्जर को काटना पड़ेगा, और फिर टूटी हुई तार को काट कर अन्दर सिरे से जोड़ना पड़ेगा। मैंने कहा काम क्यों बढाते हो, इसे बाहर ही काटो, जोडो और टेप लगा दो । १५ मिनट में काम हो गया। और एक नमूना : हमने ५० एकर जमीन पर, १,५०,००० स्कायर फीट ( वर्ग फीट ) का बड़ा सा प्रोजक्ट खडा किया तब हमने करीब २ हजार वर्ग फीट का प्रोजक्ट ऑफिस बनाया था । अब जब मर्क कम्पनी के लिए हम ५००० वर्ग फीट पर निर्माण कार्य हेतु काम कर रहें हैं, तो उनके कंसल्टेंट ( जेकोब ) ने करीब ६००० वर्ग फीट का प्रोजक्ट ऑफिस बनाया है। नही तो कैसे सब को लगेगा की कोई बड़ा प्रोजक्ट चल रहा है ? इसी प्रोजक्ट के लिए गत दिसम्बर में ( २००७ ) कहा की यदि हम इसे करें तो फरवरी ०९ में हम काम पूरा कर , इसे आप को सौंप देंगे। उन्हें हमारी बैटन पर विश्वास नही हुआ। उन्होंने जेकोब को कंसल्टेंट ( परामर्श दाता ) चुना । जेकोब को तो जैसे सोने के अंडे देने वाली मुर्गी हाथ लग गयी, जैसे उनकी लौटरी लग गयी। पहले उन्होंने हमें निचा दिखाने का भरसक प्रयास किया। फिर कहा की हमारा ( बी ' ई ' का ) यथार्थ वादी अनुमान नही है। फिर योजनाओं का, मंत्रनाओं का जैसे एक सैलाब आया। हर महीने मर्क , जेकोब के लोग अमरीका , दिल्ली, मुंबई से हैदराबाद आने लगे। नियोजन पर नियोजन होने लगे। अनुमानों की तारीखें बदली गयीं। पहले एक कच्चा अनुमान, फिर ३० - ७० अनुमान, फिर ५० - ५० अनुमान तैयार हुआ। तै हुआ की यदि सब कुछ ठीक ठाक चला तो जून ०९ को प्रोजक्ट ख़त्म होगा। सब ने राहत की साँस ली। कहा चलो हम सब के उत्तराधिकारी इस अनुमान को हरी झंडी देंगे। जेकोब को क्या फिक्र थी, उन्हें तो मनुष्य - घंटों पर पैसे मिलने थे । उनका मीटर तो दिसम्बर से ही चालू हो चुका था। वे भी नही चाहते थे की उनकी सोने के अंडे देने वाली मुर्गी को जल्दी हलाल किया जाय । अब जेकोब का कहना है । प्रोजक्ट सितम्बर में ख़त्म होगा। नतीजा यही है, की हर अगले महीने जब फिर नियोजन के लिए मिलते हैं तो प्रोजक्ट के ख़त्म होने का अनुमान भी एक और महीने से खिसकता है। बहुत ही सहज और सरल उपाय अपनाया जाता है। जसपाल भट्टी की याद आती है। कमिटी का काम यही होता है की चाय , बिस्कुट और काजू खा कर फैसला लिया जाय की अब यथार्थ वादी अनुमान क्या हो। असली काम से किसे मतलब । सब को ऐसा लगता रहता है, की बहुत काम हुआ। असली प्रोजक्ट पिछले ८ महीनों में एक इंच भी आगे नही बढ़ा। प्रोजक्ट ऑफिस, रहने - खाने की व्यवस्था, आने - जाने की व्यवस्था , सुरक्षा , जैसे ग्लोबल विषयों पर चर्चा थमते नही थमती। इसे कहते हैं - सहज बुद्धि का अभाव। लेना - देना कुछ नही, काम में तर्रकी कुछ नही पर खर्चा रुपैय्या।