Born Free

Born Free
Live Life Your Way


Sunday, September 13, 2015

How are you different, Sir ?

I had lots of hope when I felt that there will be a CHANGE in Thinking and approach after the new Government was sworn in. I always felt that a CHANGE brings in freshness and rejuvenating energy to the whole system. The complacency will not breathe, at least for some time. Humility will override arrogance etc etc. 

But it appears that the new dispensation - that is the BJP is no different than the old one - the Congress. Every one appears to be either thinking of retaining the Chair or Grabbing it again. Certainly the stakes appear to have become humongous and highly disproportionate. That is the reason Good Governance has taken a back seat. This will be the case before every small or big election now. That is what was Policy Paralysis was during UPA regime too. 

Otherwise, how can anyone explain the logic of  the total and abysmally low priority given by the government for situations arising out of Draught and Flood, Rising Prices, GST, Labour Reform etc.

Take for instance the Rising Prices of essential commodities like Onions and Certain pulses like Arahar Daal. Did this government dot know about shortfalls in rains this year? Why was action delayed so much to first allow the prices to sky - rocket, thereby allowing  certain sections to make huge money?

Then, again take the issue of Drought and Farmer Suicide. Was it something new that the government was caught unaware ? why Government did not come out with some proactive action plan, well in time and immediately after the met department announced that there will be huge short fall in monsoon.

There should have been a short term and a long term action plan immediately after this government took over from Congress, Be there any rains or no rains. Government is only serious about drip irrigation. What about the Insurance against Losses in agriculture? The Compensations have been increased, but have these reached the concerned? What about giving subsidies in seeds ? If the answers to these were positive, then how on earth the Deaths continue to take place. Why then  blame it on sex - love related matters?

If this government had shown positive results on these two counts - Rains / Drought and Price Rise, then that would have shown to the nation that this government is different, pro poor. The Jan Dhan Yojana, Insurance Cover against accidents and the Pension Scheme are good efforts but it would have been great if the government had shown same kind of ZEAL and Enthusiasm to tackle this Yearly Crisis of Rain / Drought.
There are many such issues. Yes, Growth is a Must, Job Creation too is important but then these issues affect the daily lives of large sections of our society and the government cannot and should not ignore these at all.

Is anyone in the government thinking about it seriously? Let it be known to the nation Loud & Clear.
What happened to the report card you talked about, from each of the ministry? Sir, the time is running out thick and fast. The aam janata is sick of this logic now that you have been in power for 18 months only? You have raised the bar of expectations so you must answer now. Is it not good enough time to show that you are on right path?

Reference Number is : PMOPG/E/2015/0096013 dtd 13.09.2015

Monday, September 7, 2015

Take the OROP to its’ logical conclusion, Sir

 I only hope that it happens to be the last letter to the PM / PMO on this issue.

I certainly feel that there is someone from the bureaucracy who is bent on spoiling the issue. Sir, knowing the capacity of the bureaucracy in twisting the written word, you and your ministers should have read the fine print with a microscope. Anyway, the damage has been done now; the veterans had to resort to the agitation at Jantarmantar. Fine, but why it was allowed to be dragged to 85 odd days. In case your fire fighters had taken the veterans in confidence right from the beginning and you had convened the first kick of meeting, the impact would have been totally different. It only reflects on the lack of confidence and trust building measures the governments has shown in many of the recent cases, be it land reform, the labour reform or this OROP case. 

Even now the OROP case is an half cooked plate which is offered to the armed forces. Why the minor niggles should still have been left unresolved in the first place. Did you not know their demands from the beginning, or is it that some people were over confident that whatever was done was enough, and the announcement which appears unilateral will force a division in the ranks?

Even now, the unresolved issues could be ironed out by wresting the initiative and calling representatives of the agitating group, some representatives of the armed forces currently serving, retired chiefs of armed forces and sort out the issues. You have said on many occasions that discussions and talks are the only ways to resolve the issues. 

I can suggest three step approach as under:

First call a meeting where in some representatives of the armed forces currently serving, retired chiefs of armed forces, Union Home Minister, Defence Minister and Finance Minister, and members of PMO are called for a meeting under your chairmanship. Discuss all pending issues and chalk - out a strategy with couple of plans / options. Appoint one person to lead the discussions with the agitators. It could be anyone from the retired chiefs of forces. Give them a time line and clearance to accept any of the plans / options discussed during the meeting. No deviations should be allowed then.

Then call for a meeting with the representatives of the agitating group. Give them your personal assurance and take them in confidence and tell them that they should also be prepared to walk a few steps and look for win – win situation. Tell them upfront as to who will lead the discussions on your behalf.
Then ask them to discuss and negotiate with the representatives of the agitating group. This meeting may not yield result in the very first meeting. It is fine. Discuss the issues with the leader of your team, look for the gaps considering their view point and look for newer options.

Such rounds may be required only a couple of times, if the intentions are clear and if there is mutual trust built up.
They all trust you. So, take the bull by its horns.

Reference Number is : PMOPG/E/2015/0089826

Thursday, September 3, 2015

OROP - How Long it will drag?

It is really very sad that the RSS had to intervene in the OROP issue, and that political gains from Bihar Polls are being considered for settling this 3 month long agitation, even after 40 years of procrastination on this issue.

It appears that the PM is very soft on the Babus, Concerned Ministers or the Mediators and allowing them to get to a solution. They all are giving different and misleading versions to the public and media. I cannot understand why the government is not engaging in direct talks with the representatives of the armed forces and sort out these issues. They are not our enemies, after all, or are they? Let us all remember the armed forces in times of PEACE also.

The Armed Forces certainly deserve much more and better treatment, rather than this kind of embarrassment. 

Honorable PM must rise above all this and take a more assertive stand on this. Please show the nation that you are the supreme commander in the government.

If the PM can doll out huge packages to Bihar, one after the other, for gains in the coming polls, why he is dragging feet on this issue when the people in question are saviours of the nation? That is something which defies the Logic and Reason.

We all want a respectable solution to this issue and are prepared to cough out additional taxes levied as cess for this noble cause, that if government says that yes, they have the money to declare packages for political gains, and that they do not have money for the OROP, or similar issues.

I have a simple message to the Government – “Enough is Enough. Please pull up your socks and get on to this job. Don’t go home for next few days till the matter is taken to its logical conclusion. Do the armed forces see the sun or light or rains when there is war against the nation? 

If the answer is negative, then how come the concerned persons in the Government should continue to live in their comfort zone.

Reference : PMOPG/E/2015/0084980