Born Free

Born Free
Live Life Your Way


Saturday, December 22, 2012


कुछ वहशी लोगों ने , समाज के कलंकों ने ,
                उस लाचार अबला को
अपनी हवस का शिकार बनाया ,
                 और कुछ ही क्षणों  में ,
वह अपनी पहचान खो बैठी !

कल तक,
उसकी अपनी एक दुनिया थी,
               मन में स्वप्नों के राजहंस
               चिल - बिल करते थे , चहकते थे ,
उज्वल भविष्य की आस थी , उसे भी ,
              अपने ढंग से जीने की लालसा थी , उसकी ,
और अब ,
              एक ही वार में मानो , वह
इन सब से कट सी गयी,
             अपना अस्तित्व ही खो बैठी मानो !

अभी वह अपनी मौत से झुंज़ रही है ,
             कहती है ,
             " मॉम , मैं जीना चाहती हूँ " !

शायद वह इस प्रयास में सफल हो भी जाए
            सब की प्राथनाएं भी यही हैं ,
उम्मीद भी है सभी को , उसे भी !
           उसकी जीवन रेखा शायद लम्बी भी हो ,
भविष्य की बाकी रेखाएं मानो
           अभी तो आकर सिमट सी गयी  हैं ,
धूमिल सी हो गयी हैं, मिट सी गयी हैं !

डर तो यह है कि , अब
           पल - पल जिंदगी भर शायद
वह इस हादसे को अपने
           दिलो - दिमाग से निकाल न पाएगी !

क्या होगा उसका उर्वरित जीवन?
क्या वह फिर मुस्कुराएगी ? खिलखिलाएगी ?
क्या होंगे उसके नए सामजिक समीकरण ?
कौन उसे इस पीड़ा से मुक्ति दिलाएगा ?
क्या कोई उसे निष्कलंकित मान अपनाएगा ?

या फिर,

वह रहेगी , जियेगी एक  - अनामिका  !!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Dev Gandharv

Sometimes, you are at a right place at a right time and things work in your favor without you planning for it initially. I was at kalyan a week back when Gopal Rao visited our house. The topic of music came up, and he mentioned about this program. Incidentally he is a working member of the kalyan gayan samaj, who organized the event. Tickets came easy, not like Pune’s Savai Gandharva Program. I did not have to stand in queue for hours, like I have to do in Pune. So I jumped for it. In a way, I was destined to attend this program at Kalyan. Icing on the cake was that I was in the second row from the stage. I had a VIP seat of sorts. A blind wishes only an eye, and here I got both, so to say.

Shri Ajay Chakravarti was simply superb on the opening day. His rendition of raga Kalyan followed by a thumari in Pilu, followed then by a Bhairavi was a treat to the ears. His control in lower and higher pitch ( saptak ) is amazing. He ended the program with a Kabir bhajan. They say  “ A job well begun is half done ”. In my case I had accomplished what I looked for, and that too on the very first day.

Team of musicians of the celebrated movie - Balgandharv lead by Producer Shri Nitin Desai mesmerized the audience on day 2. Shri  Subodh Bhave, Anand Bhate ( Nicknamed Anand Gandharv by none other than Pu – L : P L Deshpande )Kaushal Inamdar, Aditya Jog and others kept the audience in splits of laughter and at times brought tears by narrating interesting anecdotes which were foundations of the whole process of movie making. I realized that though the end product appears very easy,  it takes hell lot of efforts , hard work dedication and commitment in any creation, and Balgandhav was no exception. 

The day 3 too was an eternal joy. Pandit Rahul Sharma played Rag - Bhoop and a pahadi dhun. Then Ustad Shabir khan & Dilshad khan played Rag Megh and then a couple of small pieces. Both the programs were equally good.

I missed Dada, my brother and my wife Meena.  My dad was a true music lover. I distinctly remember him going to my uncle’s house about 2 / 3 Kms away on weekends to listen to classical music. We did not have a Radio those days. I was a kid that time and used to wonder why he takes that trouble. Later when I was drawn to this genre / form of music, I knew why that madness was. Unfortunately, he left us early and we ( my brother included ) were not in a position to give him that heavenly joy of music in his last days. I always remember him on such occasions and that brings tears to my eyes even today when I attend a concert par excellence.

Thanks Gopal Bhau.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Only Tiger " EKTA TIGER "


A couple of months back I saw this hoarding “ EKTA TIGER ” while traveling from Pune to Mumbai . This was immediately after the release of the movie EK THA TIGER. How very apt it was to describe the only tiger in the Political Field. All other contemporary leaders of any and all parties never ever could match his charisma and mass appeal.  
He was in all senses really a tiger amongst the goats in politics. He roared and minced no words to express his point of view on subjects ranging from literature to politics to cartoons to movies to Hinduism to cricket. When he criticized anyone he did it frankly and from heart and when he loved anyone he did that in same style. When someone was totally critical of his views or comments, he took it sportingly like a real cartoonist or a sportsman. Be it Ketkar, or Vaghle  or Sharad Pawar, they all were highly critical of his views on many issues, but they all loved him for his humane side and his keeping distance between friendship and politics. He never allowed these two to mix.

He had personal relations with people from all walks of fields. Sharad Pawar, Lata – Asha – Hrudaynath Mangeshkars, Dilip Kumar, Big B, Rajnikant, Miandad, M Jackson, Gavaskar, Tendulkar, Jethmalani, Atal Bihari Vajpeyi, Advani etc are a few from the long list of people who had a close relationship with him. 

It all started with Marmik after he left the Free Press Journal as a cartoonist, and ended up with formation of Shivsena. Initially he vehemently spoke against the south Indians, then against Muslims, and then strongly in favor of Hindutva, however it was Mumbaikar and the Marathi Manus at the core of his thought process. I would not hesitate to say that be it a South Indian or a Muslim or a Sikh or a Kashmiri, he or she was welcome and a loved one if he / she  strongly felt that they were first Mmbaikars / Maharashtrians.  I see no wrong in it as I see no wrong in the Australian P Ms saying  “ Accept the law of the land and behave like the son of the soil ".

He did not mince his words and accepted responsibility for demolition of the Babri Masjid, but he also said in the same breath “ Build a Hospital there for all classes and casts ”. He always said that there are only two casts - RICH & POOR. Shivsainiks comprised of people from all walks of life & casts. In a way he gave a distinct identity to a faceless Mumbaikar, mostly youngsters.

The media and the powers that be, only projected the negatives of his views, but the masses never left his side.

Many people might be surprised to know that three of his cartoons of Churchill featured in the compilation of few best cartoons ob him. That was his creativity.

Telang drew his cartoon paying homage to this great man of the soil “ Pug Marks Leaving the Drawing Board, and out of it upwards towards the sky ” , is a right tribute to this person called : BALA SAHEB THAKEREY, really the EKTA TIGER ( The Only Tiger )

Saturday, October 13, 2012

बदलते समय में बीते कल की यादें

पहले कुछ नीजी जिंदगी से जुडी यादें :

हम दोनों भाईयों के एक ही रंग के , एक जैसे ही कपडे हुआ करते थे। बिलकुल बैंड वालों की तरह। साल में दो जोड़ी आधी पेंट आर कमीज़ या फिर टी शर्ट। दीपावली में एक और सेट मतलब खुशहाली आई हो मानो। दो - एक महीनो में शिवगंगा पर नाई के यहाँ एक साथ बाल कटवाना, वहीँ एक आध फ़िल्मी किताब छानना। नाई से स्कूल - फिर कोलेज की बातें बाट्ना। नाई क्या, पिलानी का हर बुड्ढा - बुजुर्ग, घर का सदस्य ही होता जो था। साल की शुरुवात में एक बार थोक में कोपियाँ खरीदना, उनपर भूरे कव्हर चढ़ाना।

आज भी याद है।

होली दिवाली में मिठाइयों की रेल चेल, बस साल में एक बार ही होती थी, इसलिए शायद उनका महत्व टिका रहता था। दूध - दही की कोई कमी नहीं रहती थी, पर बाकी सिर्फ दाल - रोटी खाओ प्रभु के गुण गाओ। सिर्फ सर्दियों में पिलानी में सब्जियां दिखती थी और पकती थी। बाहर के खाद्य पदार्थ वर्ज्य ही थे। माली हालत और उस समय के रीती रिवाज ही ऐसे थे। कोलेज में जाने के बाद केन्टीन की चाय, कभी कबार दोसे - समोसे तक के पैसे मिलते थे।

आज भी याद है।

खेलों  में पिट्टू, दाम दडी, गुल्ली डंडा। बहुत हुआ तो वोली बाल। क्रिकेट से सिर्फ कोमेंट्री के जरिये संपर्क था। बाद बाद में हम खेलने भी लगे थे। हाँ बेस बाल भी बाद में हम से जुड़ गया था। कोलेज में फिर टी टी और बेडमिन्टन भी हमारे प्रिय खेलों की फैरिस्त में जुड़ गए।

आज भी याद है।

आज कल किताबें खरीदना कोई नई बात नहीं है, और तो और कम्पुटर हो तो ई - बुक भी हाजिर है। उन दिनों पिलानी में रह कर लायब्ररी की वजह से हमने खूब पढ़ने का शौक पूरा किया। रही सही कसर नाई की दूकान पर हलकी फुल्की फ़िल्मी किताबें पढ़कर पूरी करते थे और हमारा सामान्य ज्ञान बढ़ाते थे।

आज भी याद है।

कुछ रोज़ मर्रा जिंदगी से जुडी यादें:

डाकिया हमारी सब की जिंदगी का एक अभिन्न अंग हुआ करता था। पोस्ट कार्ड, कभी अंतर देशीय पत्र , कभी कबार खशी - गम के तार। ये सब हमें मीलों दूर रहने वालें रिश्तों से जोड़ते थे। आज कल तो मेल से या फोन से ही सब जुड़े हैं। वह खाकी वर्दी और टोपी वाला रास्ट्रीय प्राणी आज बिलकुल गायब सा हो गया है। अब कुरियर वाला वही काम करता है। पर वो शान कहाँ ?

मोबाईल - स्काईप जैसी चीजों का इजाद ही नहीं हुआ था।आज तो घर बैठे कम्पुटर हो तो देश विदेश में , सात समुन्दर पार कहीं भी मुफ्त में बात कर सकते हैं। उन दिनों फोन तो बिरलों के घर पर ही हुआ करता था। पोस्ट ऑफिस में जा कर एस टी डी , बुक करना एक समस्या सी लगती थी। लो कर लो बात

आज भी याद है।

आज सेंकडों मीलों का सफ़र घंटो में हवाई जहाज से या दिन भर में गाडी से तय होता है। बसें भी गजब की आराम देय और तेज हो गयी हैं। उन दिनों सफ़र तो एक बड़ा सिर दर्द हुआ करता था। पहले तो बस से चिडावा - लोहारू पहुँचो, फिर मीटर गेज की गाड़ी से कन्सेशन के टिकट ले कर, असुरक्षित डब्बों में धक्के खा खा कर सवाई - माधोपुर पहुँचो और फिर जनता एक्सप्रेस या देहरादून एक्सप्रेस से बम्बई पहुँचो। फिर असुरक्षित डब्बों से सफ़र।

आज भी याद है। 

आज - कल फोन से खाना मंगाओ, होटल से पार्सल लाओ और घर बैठे टी व्ही देखते देखते आराम से खाओ। हफ्ते दस दिन में बाहर निकलो, दु - पहिया या गाडी निकालो , घुमने जाओ, लौटते वक्त बाहर ही खा कर आ जाओ। इटालियन - चायनीज़ - थाई जैसा कोई पदार्थ आराम से मिलता है। और तो और जनम दिन जैसे अवसरों पर, नेट से अपने निकट वर्तियों को केक - गुलदस्ते - गिफ्ट भेजो। और उनका आनंद बढाओ। लो कर लो बात

उन दिनों तो माँ ही सब कुछ करती थी इस लिए पित्ज़ा - बर्गर - दोसे- मंचूरियन नहीं , हलवा - पूरी , मीठे चावल या ज्यादा ही हुआ तो बाहर से कुछ मिठाई - विठाई।

आज भी याद है।

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Aam Admi - The Mango People

For ages the Aam Admi has been subjected to rebuke and rejection, except for a small period just before every election. The caste / religion based political system has completely damaged our social fiber. Though Ambedkar, Gandhi, Tilak and many other reformers / politicians during pre - independence days talked , walked and Lived Equanimity, Leaders of post independence era realized very early that caste/ religion system will help them in enriching their vote banks. So even though they talked of equanimity and inclusiveness the Aam Admi had been and will continue to be a neglected lot, because it serves these politicians well.

Dole out some free bees and cash and these uneducated, neglected people go en-mass in favor of a leader / party. Why then educate them, why give them their rights, shelter, food and health they deserve? Keep them suppressed and oppressed and take care of them during the elections and forget about them till next elections. Once these people get education and get to know the game, the end of the politicians of the day will be in sight.

Call them any names, give them any adjectives like " Cattle Class People " as Mr. Tharoor said or Call them " Mango People " as Mr. Vadhra Chose to call them / us, it hardly matters. Why? Because we are very tolerant people, we have been brought up and tutored to accept, keep quiet and suffer. So there is nothing new about it at all.

But How Long??

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Who Said & What ?

" Money Does Not Grow on Trees " - Bhai Manmohan Singh Ji, Our P M

What a Revelation ? But it certainly is not true for the assets of these very Leaders or their parties.
KJ - Prakash Jha - Madhur Bhandarkar - Balki - Amir ? You were looking for a Title for your new movie ?

" Madam Has Done So Much For Us Congressmen, I Can Give My Life For Her " - Salman Bhai ( Sorry not our dashing hero Sallu, but hero of Political Field )

People who gave their life for their country are almost all in heaven, but this Kaliyug Patriot is different. He says I am different - Like the Maggie Advertisement.

" There Is No Need For Any Investigation by I T " - Our Lungi Clad F M - Chidambaram

Is it a Typical Denial Mode Statement or Has he worn the Robes of a Judge ?

" All is Well. IAC has done it, It is for Publicity. Where is the Proof, Who has Investigated " - It is a CHORUS Statement of All Bigwigs of Congress who are coming on one channel or other.

They all have been saying the same, be it any scam - 2 G, Adarsh, Mining, Common Wealth Games, Coal Gate, Vadhra Gate or Dhrutarashtra Act. Memory is Short Lived, We will certainly Loose Count in due course of time.

" Such Rapes Take Place Elsewhere, in Other States Too " - Mother of India - Mrs. Sonia Gandhi

If our dear mother says so it must be true, Then the big Question is What our Police is Doing ? Sorry it is a State Subject so how can we blame our dear mother for that ? Poor RR Bhai ( Patil ) or Mamata Ji or Jaiswal Ji. They were unnecessarily criticized for some loose comments

Disclaimer  - These are mere statements heard or read, and not my own and are certainly not meant to harm any one's reputation

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Where do we go to find the TRUTH ?

2 G , Common Wealth Games, Coal Gate, Vadhra Gate And now Dhrutarashtra Kand exposed by News Channel - Aaj Tak Showing fraudulent practices used Left - Right and Center by Salman Khurshid's Wife run Trust. Add to it the Sinchan Ghotala & Adarsh Ghotala in Maharashtra. Add to it the Mining Scam. Where is the country heading for? 

The Governments at Center & in various states ( Involved in Mining Scam ) have their usual defense mechanism of claiming that " All is Fine " " Sub Kuch Theek Hai ". They also want proofs and investigations to be done by the Mango People of Banana Republic. They do not feel the necessity to order investigation themselves. 

I have a simple questions - When the media comes out with an Expose do these rulers dare to ask them to go to court, do the investigation etc etc ? Will these same people now ask Aaj Tak to go to court, file a case etc ? 

Time will only tell now. Let us see what the results of elections have in store for us.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

साधारण सी खुशिया

सबकी नजरें चुरा कर रात को पिलानी के टूटे से सिनेमा घर में 65 पैसे का पाटिये का टिकेट खरीद कर कम्बल की आड़ में पिक्चर देखने का लुत्फ़ कुछ और ही रहता था।

गर्मियों में , गली में लाइन से लगी खाटों पर सो कर नीले आकाश को  ताकते रहने में कुछ अलग ही मजा आता था।

सामने हमारे लैब मास्टर जी ( उनके छोटे कद की वजह से हम उन्हें लंगोट कहते थे ) का किराए पर लिया कमरा और फिर पुरे मकान पर  जमाया कब्ज़ा तो आनंद की मनो सीमा ही थी। और मजा तो तब आया जब हमने उनके रसोई घर का दरवाज़ा भी खोलना और बंद करना सीख लिया। फिर क्या था रोज़ रात को चाय के दौर चलते थे। उनका ही स्टोव , उनका ही मिटटी का तेल, और उनकी ही दूध की पावडर का भरा डब्बा, और नके ही बर्तन। भगवान् ने जब दिया मनो छप्पर फाड़ कर ही दिया।

कॉलेज के दिनों हर हफ्ते एक पिक्चर , वो भी इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेज के क्वाड्रेंगल में मौके की जगह देखना, मानो हमारे लिए ही सुरक्षित हो। वाह क्या मजे आते थे?

सुबह 7.30 बजे शात्रीय संगीत पर आधारीत गाने सुन कर साईकिल से निकलना, दुपहर को खाने के बाद थोडा सुस्ताना फिर 1.40 को पुराने गाने के समापन में सहगल के गाने सुन कर फिर निकलना , वो लाइब्ररी , वो कंटीन की चाय की चुस्कियां, फिर शाम का जिम और रात को नूतन मार्केट के मुडडे तोड़ कर घंटों चाय पीना।
व्हाह वो भी क्या दिन थे।

वो लाइब्ररी की किताबें, एक से एक उपन्यास चाटना, मेरे परम मित्र, बलराम के साथ उनपर चर्चा करना। शाम को जिम के बाद फूली बाहें और चौड़ी छाती को शीशे में देखना, फिर दादागिरी स्टाइल में शिवगंगा में छोटू के चाय समोसे, ठण्ड के दिनों में चाचा की भुनी मूंगफली ,कोई भुला  सकता है? कोई फिर वो दिन बुला सकता है भला ?

हर दिन एक जश्न सा लगता था। हम सभी मानो युहीं गाते थे " हर फ़िक्र को धुवें में उड़ाता चला गया ". हर दौर का एक अलग अनुभव रहता है। उस दौर में शायद हम सब इन छोटी छोटी खुशियों को बटोरते आगे बढ़ रहे थे, मानो ये खुशियाँ हमें फिर नसीब न हों।

शायद हुआ भी ऐसा , या ये कहूँ कि शायद होता ही ऐसा है।

अगले दौर की खुशियों के बारे में फिर कभी।

Saturday, October 6, 2012

मुझे आज भी याद है

मुझे आज भी याद है

पिलानी की छोटी कॉलोनी  के दिन.

गर्मियो  मे  स्कूल से आने के बाद  दुपहर  की  धूप  से बचने के लिये घरके नीम के पेड पर  बैठ कर पढ्ना . शाम को गली मे हॉकी , वोल्लीबाल, पिट्टू या दाम दडी खेलना या फिर  ग्राउंड मे बैसबाल या क्रिकेट खेलना .

मुझे आज भी याद है

सुबह सुबह लोटा ले कर सामुहिक दिनचर्या के लिये जाना, पानी की कमी के दिनो मे सफाई के लिये पत्थरो का इस्तमाल करना.

मुझे आज भी याद है

गर्मी की छुट्टी मे दुपहर को ताश कुटना , शिवगंगा मे सुबह शाम घंटो तैरना और आने के बाद जम के खाना .

मुझे आज भी याद है

किसी किसी साल बंबई का सफर. कन्सेशन  के टिकेट ले कर चिडावा - सवाई माधोपुर मीटर गेज की गाडी का सफर, वहा स्टेशन पर का लजवाब खाना और फिर जनता एक्ष्प्रेस से बंबई तक का सफर. पुरा सफर कोयले के इंजन वाली गाडियो से होने की वजह से हम सब के मुह काले हो जाते थे. पुरे सफर को करीब ३६ घंटे लगने से, बंबई पहुच कर भी सिर चकाराता था.

वो भी मुझे आज भी याद है

फिर थोडे दिनों बाद एस टी  से कोंकण का सफर. सुबह निकल कर देर  शाम माखजन , पसीने से तर हो कर प हुं च ना. बीच मे महाड स्टेशन पर दुपहर का खाना. पहुच ने तक सिर से पैरो तक लाल मिट्टी से सन जाना

मुझे आज भी याद है

आज सब कु छ बदल गया है. पर यादे अभी भी तरो ताजा हैं .

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Counting our Chickens

Immediately after our independence, India & China had almost equal military strength. In 6 odd decades China has leaped forward and ahead of us by incomparable margins in all the three sections of armed forces. Compare this - China has had only one enemy ( on paper ) to tackle, that too a peace loving and meek enemy like us, where as we have had threats or threat perceptions from almost all sides, be it Pakistan, China or Bangladesh for that matter. Where is our planning? Are we really concerned about the threats? Where is SWOT analysis?

On one hand, it is learnt that China has developed it capabilities to manufacture and cater to all its’ military requirements In – House and be self sufficient, and on the other hand we are still relying on outsourcing our requirements. We have some defense establishments where we fulfill only part of our requirements. We have had purchases in past with clauses which talked about indigenization of defense equipment over a period. Sadly not much has been done in that direction. So, with the result, we still buy from outside. The pinch is still hurting big way after disintegration of Soviet Union. Earlier we got supplies from them cheap and regularly. Now we are made to pay hefty amounts through our nose.

We boast of having technology to develop Satellites, Missiles and Nuke Power but then why not latest jet fighter planes, air craft carriers, Long range guns, machine guns and defense kits for our armed forces? Are we lacking in capabilities or engineering skills or design brains? Sorry. I strongly feel that our political will and vision is totally missing. We are really ignorant of the fact that it is the muscle power which will keep our enemies at arms distance from us. It is then only that China will not dare to snatch and encroach on our territories and claim it as it is their own for ages, leaving our leaders to comment –
“ What is the problem, what is the big deal if anyone has taken our land? As it is it was barren and of no use ”
I feel the time has not gone out of our hands still. Let our Leaders wake up even now. We can still be self sufficient in next 2 – 3 decades if we start now to work on building our manufacturing capabilities with FDIs or Investment on PPP basis. Our Industrial giants will be certainly more than willing to walk that extra mile to support the government any which way on such a cause. I strongly feel that it should be on top of the agenda for any government’s priority list, and miles ahead of FDI in Retail certainly.

What say??

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Contradiction or Election Bugle ??

" Height of Contradiction " : On one hand Our PM says Moneys are not grown on trees and on the other hand His Finance Minister, who should also know this gospel truth, declares 7 % DA to the government employees. Election Gimmicks have started floating.So we can expect Election Bugle Sounds very soon.

Why DA rise to government employees ? why this is announced only before every election? Many more such schemes will be announced by the Center & the States. In fact if we want good politics and good economics, the reforms in election would be a big step. Code of conduct should not come in to force only after elections are announced. The elections should be announced only if no such freebees are announced at least for 12 months prior to the announcements. All such announcements should be treated as cancelled if these are made with in 12 months of the elections.

 It is also announced that the armed forces will have one rank pension scheme. This one is really a good decision. Though this also smells like an election freebee, I would love to accept it .Our armed forces need to treated very well, while during service, post retirement and also when they are rehabilitated post injuries during war or peace time. 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Reforms Needed?

Policy of FDI in retail has opened up a Pandora box. I am personally game for any and all reforms which open up the avenues for competitiveness and open up markets. I have only a couple of issues on the subject of Reforms and liberalization.

  •   Why not make a Road Map for all reforms which are good for the people and economy both.
  •   Prioritize them. First Thing First. Let us not try and put the Cart before the Ox.
  •  Create a broad consensus on it. Get / Seek opinions of all parties and states.
  •  Put time lines for each of these reforms
  • Stick to it come what may. Then Parties in Rule should not be held back by the number game in the parliament. They should not wait for the last year of their current regime and say “ we will rather go down fighting ” while bringing a reform for vote.
  •  After all we are in a democracy a policy that has a clear mandate or majority only can become a Law. So an issue which does not win a majority does not become a Policy. Simple. Governments should not be changed if a particular policy loses. It should go only if it loses a No Confidence Motion or loses an Election.
  • Policy on any reform which has a technology involved should be carefully chalked out. The latest, but not a junk technology should be brought, with a clause of developing these technologies / components indigenously.

Coming to the specifics, on FDI on Retail, the governments says “ it would bring in back-end infrastructure technology in logistics, cold storage etc ” . Point not well taken. Where is the power? Do we have enough of power to run all the cold storage? What should come first? The Malls or Back – End Infrastructure – Like Power Generating Stations, Cold Storage, Roads – Railways etc? So I personally feel that the government should put these things first on the priority list and liberalize on these fronts. Bring in FDI on developing this infrastructure on PP or FDI basis, but again after protecting the interests of the country first. The latest, but not a junk technology should be brought, with a clause of developing these technologies / components indigenously.

Most importantly I feel is the FDI in retail a panacea of sorts for all our problems? Have we given a thought to problems of low cost Housing, Health care, Education & Food? 

Why can we not think of opening up Health care with a clear cut guideline that a dispensary will have to be set up in each village having a population of say 1000 people, minimum so many beds hospital will have to be set up in each hub having a population of say 10000 people, so on and so forth?

Something similar should be thought for Primary & Secondary education facility, low cost housing etc.
So, now we can see what and where our priorities should be? Whichever issue gives maximum gains to the largest section of the society should be our top priority, in my opinion.

Can There be an Argument on this, Mr. Chetan Bhagat or Mr. Swaminathan? It is simple common sense. Economists and Celebrities should think about it and spread this opinion rather than fighting or defending on a useless issue.  

I have chosen these names because people read them and form their opinions. 

Who listens to me who has no voice?