Born Free

Born Free
Live Life Your Way


Sunday, November 9, 2014

Kiss Of Love - A Volcano or a Tsunami ??

It all started in Kochi. It was a small incident, which turned out violent in the end, when some outfits not only opposed and manhandled the kissers, but damaged the assets of the hotel. It was a Kiss in a Hotel in Kochi.That was enough of the spark, needed to lit fire as the other two components the material which could burn - the passion and ego of Youth, and the Oxygen - TV Media and the Internet medium - Twitter and Face Book were readily available to let the heat and fire turn in to a Volcano. The Lava has spread now to other cities like Kolkata, Mumbai, Delhi, Bangaluru etc. 

Is it not a man made - Volcano or a Tsunami ?? Don;t we see such scenes on the beaches of Bandra, Chaupati, or any such public places or gardens ?

Had it not happened a decade back when Valentine Day was opposed by certain sections of the society.

Sadly when the western countries are slowly but gradually leaning towards our Indian culture and its values, we are moving towards their culture and values, if at all these exist. What is bad or good, what is an acceptable norm or not is and will always be a debatable issue. What movies / scenes people should see or what music to listen and what not is again a debatable issue, and similarly what people should wear and not wear, what they should speak or not and how they should behave or not are all such debatable issues.

There will always be strong Yes and a strong No for such matters. These are all equated with and linked to an individual RIGHT. No doubt about it. But then there is always a thin line which the individual should not cross, which is deemed unacceptable in our Society. However nobody gets a right to take law in his - her hands, just because he - she feels the act is unacceptable in our society. Nobody has a right to sit on a judgment on others behaviour / act. No one has got a right to Moral Policing.

Leave them alone. Let them decide what is good or bad. 

But the very fact that the youth today gets attracted to these behavioural patterns, is certainly alien to our culture. It may require lot of counselling from parents , friends , teachers etc. They may listen and change or may decide against it. In the worst case our culture and values may take a beating, collapse and rise again like a phoenix , if it has intrinsic strengths or finally evolve in to a culture which has goods from all cultures and values.

Let time tell who and what is Right. 

I for one have never supported such moral policing acts, because I am quite positive about intrinsic strengths of our Culture and Values. I am of firm belief that these are all passing times. Our Culture and our Values are Centuries old.  These will stand all such challenges and come out stronger.

To Be Or Not To Be - with BJP ??

The talks between the BJP and Shiv Sena are said to be very positive and constructive at some time in a particular day and the tie up between BJP and Shiv Sena appears to be getting closer and closer and suddenly the everything collapses and falls apart like a castle made from pack of cards. This is the scene for last 20 odd days now. Both sides take a position at the end of the day, and the talks continue on the next day. 

What Shiv Sena has said loudly about the BJP and Mr. Modi during and after the elections is very well known. On the other hand though BJP has maintained non committal stance throughout, BJP is playing tough with Shiv Sena, in the aftermath of the election numbers and pushing Shiv Sena to the corner.

On one side Shiv Sena says that it is not power hungry, but keeps on demanding for larger pie in the power and is demanding plum posts, on the other hand. Where as BJP is acting tough more so, because of the position taken by NCP's Shard Pawar.

The confusion is as good or as bad as it was on day one after election. However, I feel that BJP should show it's 56 inch chest filled with humility in success, rather than showing the 56 inch chest filled with Ego , Revenge and thoughts of cutting the other partner to size. That will be in the larger interest of both the parties and the state too, and to a great extent, of the country too.

Otherwise this state of " To Be or Not to Be - with BJP ",will be the condition of  Shiv Sena.